MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = x and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in 10-8.

100 pF at 1592 Hz
Di / 10-8
Participating institutes


MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = x and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in 10-8.

100 pF at 1000 Hz
Di / 10-8
Participating institutes


MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = x and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in 10-8.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
NPL 9 11.8
NPLI 3 100
NIS -1 64
NMISA -2 21
NIMT 0 19
NMIM 7 41
Participating institutes


MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = x and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in 10-8.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
NPL -6 18
NSAI NML 29 85
CMI -7 24
NPLI -19 100
BIM -4 30
NIS 0 65
NMISA 2 24
NIMT 3 25
SMD -1 32
SASO -20 210
NMIM 9 43
Participating institutes
Comparison close
BIPM comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Electricity and Magnetism, Capacitance
Description Comparison of capacitors
Time of measurements 2002 -
Status Continuous, approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons

BIPM.EM-K14 Technical Protocol

Measurand Capacitance: 100 pF
Parameters Frequency: 1592 Hz and 1000 Hz
Transfer device AH capacitance standards
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCEM (Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism)
Conducted by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures)
Pilot institute BIPM
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
BIPM - International Organization
Contact person José Angel Moreno Hernandez

First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, BIPM - International Organization, N/A


Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Bulgaria, EURAMET


Czech Metrology Institute, Czechia, EURAMET


National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), Thailand, APMP


National Institute for Standards, Egypt, AFRIMETS


National Metrology Institute of Malaysia, Malaysia, APMP


National Metrology Institute of South Africa, South Africa, AFRIMETS


National Metrology Laboratory of Ireland; now NSAI National Metrology Laboratory, NSAI NML, Ireland, EURAMET


National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET


CSIR National Physical Laboratory of India, India, APMP


NSAI National Metrology Laboratory, Ireland, EURAMET


National Measurement and Calibration Center - Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, Saudi Arabia, GULFMET


Service de la Métrologie Belge, Belgium, EURAMET


MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Since 20 May 2019, the key comparison reference value xR is the BIPM value, known in terms of the value of the von Klitzing constant RK = h/e2 = 25 812.807 46 Ω, using the fixed numerical values for the Plack constant h and the elementary charge e. Its standard uncertainty uis evaluated at 3.7 x 10-8.

Before this date, the BIPM value was based on the recommended value of the von Klitzing constant RK-90 = 25 812.807 Ω. Its standard uncertainty uR was evaluated at 3.7 x 10-8, excluding the uncertainty on RK-90. This uncertainty was included in the ui values. Furthermore, for institutes that based their measurements on a calculable capacitor, the relative standard uncertainty associated with the use of RK-90, 1 × 10-7 was included in ui. Further details can be found here.


The degrees of equivalence of each institute with respect to the key comparison reference value xis given by a pair of terms: Di = xI and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui = 2 u, both expressed in 10-8


MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Since 20 May 2019, the key comparison reference value xR is the BIPM value, known in terms of the value of the von Klitzing constant RK = h/e2 = 25 812.807 46 Ω, using the fixed numerical values for the Plack constant h and the elementary charge e. Its standard uncertainty uis evaluated at 3.7 x 10-8.

Before this date, the BIPM value was based on the recommended value of the von Klitzing constant RK-90 = 25 812.807 Ω. Its standard uncertainty uR was evaluated at 3.7 x 10-8, excluding the uncertainty on RK-90. This uncertainty was included in the ui values. Furthermore, for institutes that based their measurements on a calculable capacitor, the relative standard uncertainty associated with the use of RK-90, 1 × 10-7 was included in ui. Further details can be found here.


The degrees of equivalence of each institute with respect to the key comparison reference value xis given by a pair of terms: Di = xi and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui = 2 u, both expressed in 10-8



MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF

PARAMETR VALUE       1592 Hz


Lab         participating institute

xi                 relative difference between the result of measurement of laboratory i and that of the BIPM

ui                combined standard uncertainty of xi

    Labi xi ui measurement date
      10-8 10-8  
  (a) NPL* 9.0 5.9 May 2002
  (b) NPLI 3.0 51.0 Nov. 2010
  (a) NMISA -2.0 10.5 May 2016
  (a) NIS -1.0 32 Jan. 2016
  (a) NIMT 0.1 10 Jul. 2018
    NMIM 7.0 20 Apr. 2022


(a) Comparison performed before the definition of the SI on 20 May 2019. The Laboratory based its measurements on the recommended value of the von Klitzing constant, RK-90 = 25 812.807 Ω.

(b) Comparison performed before the definition of the SI on 20 May 2019. The Laboratory based its measurements on a calculable capacitor. ui includes a standard uncertainty of 1×10-7 for the comparison with the BIPM quantized Hall resistance (QHR).

*Additional information may be found in Metrologia, 2003, 40, 264-270


Measurement of the relative difference in capacitance C between 1000 Hz and 1592 Hz, d = (C1592 - C1000)/C1000

di      difference between the result of measurement of laboratory i and that of the BIPM

u(di )   combined standard uncertainty of di

  Labi di u(di) measurement date
    10-8 10-8  
  NPL* 14.7 6.7 May 2002


MEASURAND          Capacitance

NOMINAL VALUE        100 pF



Lab           participating institute

xi                   relative difference between the result of measurement of laboratory i and that of the BIPM

ui                  combined standard uncertainty of xi

    Labi xi u(xi) measurement date
      10-8 10-8  
  (a) NPL* -5.7 8.9 May 2002
  (a) NSAI NML -26.1 56 Mar. 2004
  (a) NSAI NML 1.0 39 Aug. 2007
  (a) CMI -7.0 12 Apr. 2009
  (b) NPLI -19.0 51 Nov. 2010
  (a) NSAI-NML 25 33 Jun 2011
  (a) BIM -4 15 Jul. 2012
  (a) NIS 0 33 Jan. 2016
  (a) NMISA 2.0 12 May 2016
  (a) NSAI-NML 29.0 43 Sep. 2016
  (a) NIMT 3.3 13 Jul. 2018
  (a) SMD -1.0 16 Nov. 2018
    SASO -16.4 103 Dec. 2020
    NMIM 9 22 Apr. 2022


(a) Comparison performed before the definition of the SI on 20 May 2019. The Laboratory based its measurements on the recommended value of the von Klitzing constant, RK-90 = 25 812.807 Ω.

(b) Comparison performed before the definition of the SI on 20 May 2019. The Laboratory based its measurements on a calculable capacitor. ui includes a standard uncertainty of 1×10-7 for the comparison with the BIPM quantized Hall resistance (QHR).

*Additional information may be found in Metrologia, 2003, 40, 264-270



Measurement of the relative difference in capacitance C between 1000 Hz and 1592 Hz, d = (C1592 - C1000)/C1000

di      difference between the result of measurement of laboratory i and that of the BIPM

u(di )    combined standard uncertainty of di

  Labi di u(di) measurement date
    10-8 10-8  
  NPL* 14.7 6.7 May 2002