CCQM-K74 was placed in the KCDB archives on 14 November 2023

MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen dioxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 10 µmol/mol


Degrees of equivalence : offset Di and expanded uncertainty (k = 2) Ui expressed in µmol/mol

CCQM-K74 was placed in the KCDB archives on 14 November 2023

MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen dioxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 10 µmol/mol


Degrees of equivalence : offset Di and expanded uncertainty (k = 2) Ui
expressed in µmol/mol






Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


Comparison close
CC comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Chemistry and Biology, Gases
Description Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Nitrogen (N2)
Time of measurements 2009 - 2010
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Amount-of-substance fraction: 10 µmol/mol
Transfer device Gas cylinders
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance)
Conducted by CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance)
Comments CCQM-K74 was placed in the KCDB archives on 14 November 2023
Pilot institute BIPM
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
BIPM - International Organization
Contact person E. Flores

+33 1 45 07 70 92
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, BIPM - International Organization, N/A


Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Germany, EURAMET


Centro Español de Metrologia, Spain, EURAMET


Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute, Japan, APMP


Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy, EURAMET


Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea, Republic of, APMP


Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais, France, EURAMET


Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland, EURAMET


Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, EURAMET


National Institute of Metrology, China, APMP


National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States, SIM


National Measurement Institute, Australia, Australia, APMP


National Metrology Institute of South Africa, South Africa, AFRIMETS


National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET


Slovensky Metrologicky Ustav, Slovakia, EURAMET


D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Rosstandart, Russian Federation, COOMET


VSL, Netherlands, EURAMET

CCQM-K74 was placed in the KCDB archives on 14 November 2023

MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen dioxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 10 µmol/mol


The key comparison reference value is the Nitrogen dioxide mole fraction assigned by the BIPM, xRi, to the cylinder measured by laboratory i, as explained in Section 5 on page 20 of the Final Report and in its Annex 2 on page 38.
Its standard uncertainty, uRi, is calculated using Equation (1) given on page 20 of the Final Report, with applying appropriate covariance factors as detailed in Annex 1.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xRi) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in µmol/mol, with Ui = 2(ui2 + uRi2]1/2.



No pair-wise degrees of equivalence are computed for this comparison.


CCQM-K74 was placed in the KCDB archives on 14 November 2023

MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen dioxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 10 µmol/mol

xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : standard uncertainty of xi