MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in
dB re 1 V/Pa

Click on the graph below to get a closer view

Red diamonds: participants in CCAUV.A-K3
Green triangles: participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
Blue squares: participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3
Orange circle: participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1
Pink squares: participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3


MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in
dB re 1 V/Pa

Click on the graph below to get a closer view

Red diamonds: participants in CCAUV.A-K3
Green triangles: participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
Blue squares: participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3
Orange circle: participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1
Pink squares: participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3


MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz

Graphs of equivalence are provided for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only


    • Frequency 250 Hz: Click on the graph below to get a closer view

    • FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz : Click on the graph below to get a closer view

    Red diamonds: participants in CCAUV.A-K3
    Green triangles: participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
    Blue squares: participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3
    Orange circle: participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1
    Pink squares: participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3

    APMP.AUV.A-K3.1, and APMP.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 250 Hz

    Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2)

    Black: participants in CCAUV.A-K3
    Green: participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
    Blue: participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3
    Orange: participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1
    Pink: participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3

    Lab iDiUi
     / dB/ dB
    DNDI "Systema"*-0.0400.067

    * indicates participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
    The pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 are available by clicking here.
    The pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside APMP.AUV.A-K3 are available in Table 11d, page 41 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    These results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).

    APMP.AUV.A-K3.1, and APMP.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2)

    Black: participants in CCAUV.A-K3
    Green: participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
    Blue: participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3
    Orange: participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1
    Pink: participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3

    Lab iDiUi
     / dB/ dB
    DNDI "Systema"*-0.0340.058

    * indicates participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
    The pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 are available by clicking here.
    The pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside APMP.AUV.A-K3 are available in Table 11f, page 45 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    These results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz

    Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in
    dB re 1 V/Pa

    In green : participants in COOMET.AUV.A-K3
    In blue : participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3
    In orange : participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1

    Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).

    Graphs of equivalence for 250 Hz and 1000 Hz are also extended with APMP.AUV.A-K3 results.

    Pair-wise degrees of equivalence are computed for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only, for participants in CCAUV.A-K3, EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3.

    Metrology area, Sub-field Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration, Acoustics
    Description Comparison of laboratory standard microphone calibrations
    Time of measurements 2005 - 2006
    Status Approved for equivalence
    Final Reports of the comparisons
    Measurand Sound pressure
    Parameters Frequency: 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz
    Transfer device LS2P microphones
    Comparison type Key Comparison
    Consultative Committee CCAUV (Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration)
    Conducted by COOMET (Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions)
    RMO Internal Identifier COOMET 323/UA/04

    Results published on 19 March 2007

    COOMET.AUV.A-K3, EUROMET.AUV.A-K3, APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 and APMP.AUV.A-K3 results are linked to those of CCAUV.A-K3

    Laboratory standard microphones LS2P

    Pilot institute DFM
    Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S
    Contact person DFM AUV -

    +45 45 93 11 44
    First Name Last Name
    wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy

    Danish Primary Laboratory of Acoustics, Denmark, EURAMET


    Glowny Urzad Miar, Central Office of Measures, Poland, EURAMET


    National Institute of Metrology, Romania, EURAMET

    SE "NDI Systema"

    State Enterprise "Scientific-Research Institute for Metrology of Measurement and Control Systems", Ukraine, EURAMET


    Institute of Physical Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements, Rosstandart, Russian Federation, COOMET

    APMP.AUV.A-K3.1, and APMP.AUV.A-K3

    • Key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 250 kHz

    For each microphone, the key comparison reference value, xR, and its associated standard uncertainty, uR, are computed as explained in sections 4.2 and 5.1 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report (unit is dB re 1 V/Pa).

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa:
    Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in sections 4.3 and 5.2 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report, and in the Final Report of the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa. The computation of these two terms is explained in section 5.3 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report, and in the Final Report of the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI.

    • Linking COOMET.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    DPLA provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when one or two laboratories participate in COOMET.AUV.A-K3.

    • Linking EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    DPLA provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and EUROMET.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 6 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 6 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 7 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when both of the laboratories are participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3.

    The matrix of equivalence computed from CCAUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3 is expanded with pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside EUROMET.AUV.A-K3.

    • Linking APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 to CCAUV.A-K3

    KRISS provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and APMP.AUV.A-K3.1. The linkage process is described in section 8 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of KIM-LIPI participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 8 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 Final Report.

    No pair-wise degrees of equivalence between KIM-LIPI and other participants in CCAUV.A-K3 have been computed.

    • Linking APMP.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    NMIJ, KRISS, NIM, and NMIA provide the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and APMP.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 6 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 6 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 7 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when both of the laboratories are participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3, and the numerical values can be found from Table 11a to 11p in the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    This makes it possible to extend the graphs of equivalence of the participants in CCAUV.A-K3 with the participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3 for frequency 250 Hz.

    APMP.AUV.A-K3.1, and APMP.AUV.A-K3

    • Key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    For each microphone, the key comparison reference value, xR, and its associated standard uncertainty, uR, are computed as explained in sections 4.2 and 5.1 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report (unit is dB re 1 V/Pa).

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa:
    Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in sections 4.3 and 5.2 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report, and in the Final Report of the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa. The computation of these two terms is explained in section 5.3 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report, and in the Final Report of the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI.

    • Linking COOMET.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    DPLA provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when one or two laboratories participate in COOMET.AUV.A-K3.

    • Linking EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    DPLA provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and EUROMET.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 6 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 6 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 7 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when both of the laboratories are participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3.

    The matrix of equivalence computed from CCAUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3 is expanded with pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside EUROMET.AUV.A-K3.

    • Linking APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 to CCAUV.A-K3

    KRISS provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and APMP.AUV.A-K3.1. The linkage process is described in section 8 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of KIM-LIPI participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 8 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 Final Report.

    No pair-wise degrees of equivalence between KIM-LIPI and other participants in CCAUV.A-K3 have been computed.

    • Linking APMP.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    NMIJ, KRISS, NIM, and NMIA provide the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and APMP.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 6 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 6 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 7 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when both of the laboratories are participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3, and the numerical values can be found from Table 11a to 11p in the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    This makes it possible to extend the graphs of equivalence of the participants in CCAUV.A-K3 with the participants in APMP.AUV.A-K3 for frequency 1000 Hz.


    • Key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz

    For each microphone and for each frequency, the key comparison reference value, xR, and its associated standard uncertainty, uR, are computed as explained in sections 4.2 and 5.1 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report (unit is dB re 1 V/Pa).

    At a given frequency, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa:
    Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in sections 4.3 and 5.2 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report, and in the Final Report of the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI.

    Graphs of equivalence are given for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only.

    At a given frequency, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa. The computation of these two terms is explained in section 5.3 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report, and in the Final Report of the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI.
    The full matrices of equivalence are computed for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz.

    • Linking COOMET.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    DPLA provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    At a given frequency, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa:
    Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    Full graphs of equivalence are given for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only.

    At a given frequency, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 5 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when one or two laboratories participate in COOMET.AUV.A-K3.

    The full matrices of equivalence are computed for frequency 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only.

    • Linking EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 to CCAUV.A-K3

    DPLA provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and EUROMET.AUV.A-K3. The linkage process is described in section 6 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    At a given frequency, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa:
    Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 6 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    Full graphs of equivalence are given for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only.

    At a given frequency, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa.
    The computation of these two terms is explained in section 7 of the EUROMET.AUV.A-K3 Final Report when both of the laboratories are participants in EUROMET.AUV.A-K3.

    The matrices of equivalence computed from CCAUV.A-K3 and COOMET.AUV.A-K3 for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz are expanded with pair-wise degrees of equivalence obtained inside EUROMET.AUV.A-K3.

    • Linking APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 to CCAUV.A-K3

    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 25 kHz

    KRISS provides the link between key comparisons CCAUV.A-K3 and APMP.AUV.A-K3.1. The linkage process is described in section 8 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 Final Report.

    At a given frequency the degree of equivalence of KIM-LIPI participant in APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa: Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2). The degrees of equivalence are computed as explained in section 8 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3.1 Final Report

    Full graphs of equivalence are given for frequencies 250 Hz and 1000 Hz only.

    No pair-wise degrees of equivalence between KIM-LIPI and other participants in CCAUV.A-K3 have been computed.

    APMP.AUV.A-K3.1, and APMP.AUV.A-K3

    • Key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 250 Hz

    xi : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i (unit is dB re 1 V/Pa)
    Results from LNE, NIM and INMETRO have been corrected for nominal frequencies as described in section 3.2 of the Final Report.

    ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi

    Microphone: 1395456

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.43 0.06
     DPLA -38.459 0.03
     GUM -38.46 0.05
     KRISS -38.441 0.03
     LNE -38.436 0.030
     NIST -38.454 0.04
     NMIJ -38.47 0.09
     NPL -38.46 0.03
     PTB -38.45 0.04

    Microphone: 1627783

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.76 0.06
     DPLA -38.771 0.03
     GUM -38.79 0.05
     KRISS -38.760 0.03
     LNE -38.750 0.030
     NIST -38.765 0.04
     NMIJ -38.78 0.09
     NPL -38.77 0.03
     PTB -38.76 0.04

    Microphone: 1124046

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.076 0.06
     NMIA -38.10 0.04
     DPLA -38.103 0.03
     INMETRO -38.103 0.045
     NIM -38.112 0.05
     NRC -38.109 0.04
     UME -38.098 0.08
     VNIIFTRI -38.12 0.04






    Microphone: 1395455

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.404 0.06
     NMIA -38.40 0.04
     DPLA -38.409 0.03
     INMETRO -38.404 0.045
     NIM -38.414 0.05
     NRC -38.411 0.04
     UME -38.397 0.08
     VNIIFTRI -38.42 0.04






    *participants in the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI, conducted as an extension of key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    • Key comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 250 Hz

    xi-COO : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-COO : combined standard uncertainty of xi-COO

    A sudden change in sensitivity of microphone 1503926 occured during the comparison.

    Microphone: 1503926 (before change in sensitivity)

     Lab i

    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.918 0.03
     GUM -38.920 0.05
     DNDI "Systema" -38.950 0.07

    Microphone: 1503926 (after change in sensitivity)

     Lab i

    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.851 0.03
     VNIIFTRI -38.812 0.04
     INM(RO) -38.843 0.046

    Microphone: 1503933

     Lab i xi-COO
    / dB
    2ui -COO
    / dB
     DPLA -38.960 0.03
     GUM -38.97 0.05
     DNDI "Systema" -39.00 0.07
     VNIIFTRI -38.882 0.04
     INM(RO) -38.938 0.046

    Microphone: 1526170

     Lab i xi-COO
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.855 0.03
     VNIIFTRI -38.807 0.04
     INM(RO) -38.820 0.046

    • Key comparison EUROMET.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 250 Hz

    xi-EUR : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison EUROMET.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR

    Microphone: 1395456

     Lab i xi-EUR
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.450 0.03
     INRIM -38.430 0.05
     BEV -38.434 0.02
     CMI -38.480 0.06
     METAS -38.430 0.036
     CEM -38.449 0.04
     MIKES -38.431 0.0259
     SP -38.429 0.05

    Microphone: 1627783

     Lab i xi-EUR
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.767 0.03
     INRIM -38.740 0.05
     BEV -38.763 0.02
     CMI -38.810 0.06
     METAS -38.743 0.036
     CEM -38.782 0.04
     MIKES -38.760 0.0258
     SP -38.744 0.05

    Lab i

    Date of measurement

    DPLA 15 Oct 03
    INRIM 05 Nov 03
    BEV 20 Nov 03
    CMI 03 Dec 03
    METAS 15 Jan 04
    CEM 01 Mar 04
    MIKES 29 Mar 04
    SP 28 Apr 04

    CMI, METAS, and CEM data were corrected for frequency realignment to nominal frequencies.
    SP and MIKES data were corrected for microphone 1395456 sensitivity drift.
    • Key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3.1

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 250 Hz

    xi-APMP(K3.1) : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3.1; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    Ui-APMP(K3.1) : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-APMP(K3.1)

    Microphone: 2341431

     Lab i

    / dB

    / dB

     KRISS -38.74 0.04
     KIM-LIPI -38.75 0.06

    • Key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P

    FREQUENCY : 250 Hz

    xi-APMP(K3) : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa
    Ui-APMP(K3) : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-APMP(K3)

    Microphone: 1763688

    The measurement results reported by the participants can be found in Table 2a and 3 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    Microphone: 2341431

    The measurement results reported by the participants can be found in Table 2b and 3 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    APMP.AUV.A-K3.1, and APMP.AUV.A-K3

    • Key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    xi : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i (unit is dB re 1 V/Pa)
    Results from LNE, NIM and INMETRO have been corrected for nominal frequencies as described in section 3.2 of the Final Report.

    ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi

    Microphone: 1395456

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.46 0.06
     DPLA -38.489 0.03
     GUM -38.49 0.05
     KRISS -38.471 0.03
     LNE -38.468 0.031
     NIST -38.488 0.04
     NMIJ -38.51 0.09
     NPL -38.48 0.03
     PTB -38.48 0.04

    Microphone: 1627783

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.77 0.06
     DPLA -38.780 0.03
     GUM -38.80 0.05
     KRISS -38.769 0.03
     LNE -38.762 0.031
     NIST -38.777 0.04
     NMIJ -38.80 0.09
     NPL -38.77 0.03
     PTB -38.77 0.04

    Microphone: 1124046

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.082 0.06
     NMIA -38.11 0.04
     DPLA -38.107 0.03
     INMETRO -38.108 0.045
     NIM -38.118 0.05
     NRC -38.116 0.04
     UME -38.104 0.08
     VNIIFTRI -38.12 0.04






    Microphone: 1395455

     Lab i xi
    / dB
    / dB
     CENAM -38.415 0.06
     NMIA -38.41 0.04
     DPLA -38.419 0.03
     INMETRO -38.415 0.045
     NIM -38.426 0.05
     NRC -38.423 0.04
     UME -38.408 0.08
     VNIIFTRI -38.43 0.04






    *participants in the bilateral comparison DPLA-NPLI, conducted as an extension of key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    • Key comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    xi-COO : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-COO : combined standard uncertainty of xi-COO

    A sudden change in sensitivity of microphone 1503926 occured during the comparison.

    Microphone: 1503926 (before change in sensitivity)

     Lab i

    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.925 0.03
     GUM -38.920 0.05
     DNDI "Systema" -38.950 0.06

    Microphone: 1503926 (after change in sensitivity)

     Lab i

    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.860 0.03
     VNIIFTRI -38.823 0.04
     INM(RO) -38.851 0.046

    Microphone: 1503933

     Lab i xi-COO
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.964 0.03
     GUM -38.97 0.05
     DNDI "Systema" -39.00 0.06
     VNIIFTRI -38.887 0.04
     INM(RO) -38.941 0.046

    Microphone: 1526170

     Lab i xi-COO
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.865 0.03
     VNIIFTRI -38.819 0.04
     INM(RO) -38.832 0.046

    • Key comparison EUROMET.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    xi-EUR : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison EUROMET.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR

    Microphone: 1395456

     Lab i xi-EUR
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.482 0.03
     INRIM -38.470 0.05
     BEV -38.466 0.02
     CMI -38.510 0.06
     METAS -38.468 0.036
     CEM -38.482 0.04
     MIKES -38.463 0.03
     SP -38.459 0.05

    Microphone: 1627783

     Lab i xi-EUR
    / dB
    / dB
     DPLA -38.775 0.03
     INRIM -38.760 0.05
     BEV -38.772 0.02
     CMI -38.810 0.06
     METAS -38.759 0.036
     CEM -38.792 0.04
     MIKES -38.769 0.03
     SP -38.751 0.05

     Lab i

    Date of measurement

     DPLA 15 Oct 03
     INRIM 05 Nov 03
     BEV 20 Nov 03
     CMI 03 Dec 03
     METAS 15 Jan 04
     CEM 01 Mar 04
     MIKES 29 Mar 04
     SP 28 Apr 04

    CMI, METAS, and CEM data were corrected for frequency realignment to nominal frequencies.
    SP and MIKES data were corrected for microphone 1395456 sensitivity drift.
    • Key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3.1

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    xi-APMP(K3.1) : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3.1; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    Ui-APMP(K3.1) : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-APMP(K3.1)

    Microphone: 2341431

     Lab i

    / dB

    / dB

     KRISS -38.73 0.04
     KIM-LIPI -38.75 0.06

    • Key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P

    FREQUENCY : 1000 Hz

    xi-APMP(K3) : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa
    Ui-APMP(K3) : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-APMP(K3)

    Microphone: 1763688

    The measurement results reported by the participants can be found in Table 2a and 3 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    Microphone: 2341431

    The measurement results reported by the participants can be found in Table 2b and 3 of the APMP.AUV.A-K3 Final Report.


    • Key comparison CCAUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz

    xi : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i (unit is dB re 1 V/Pa)
    Results from LNE, NIM and INMETRO have been corrected for nominal frequencies as described in section 3.2 of the CCAUV.A-K3 Final Report.

    ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi

    Click on the following links to access data obtained for the four transfer microphones from 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz:

    Microphone 1395456
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    Microphone 1627783
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    Microphone 1124046
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    Microphone 1395455
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    • Key comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz

    xi-COO : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-COO : combined standard uncertainty of xi-COO

    Click on the following links to access data obtained for the three transfer microphones from 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz:
    (a sudden change in sensitivity of microphone 1503926 occured during the comparison)

    Microphone 1503926 (before and after change in sensitivity)
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    Microphone 1503933
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    Microphone 1526170
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    • Key comparison EUROMET.AUV.A-K3

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz

    xi-EUR : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison EUROMET.AUV.A-K3; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR

    CMI, METAS, and CEM data were corrected for frequency realignment to nominal frequencies.
    SP and MIKES data were corrected for microphone 1395456 sensitivity drift.

    Click on the following links to access data obtained for the two transfer microphones from 31.5 Hz to 31.5 kHz:

    Microphone 1395456
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    Microphone 1627783
    Results from 31.5 Hz to 4000 Hz and results from 6300 Hz to 31500 Hz

    • Key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3.1

    MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS2P
    FREQUENCY : 31.5 Hz to 25 kHz

    xi-APMP(K3.1) : result of measurements carried out by laboratory i participant in the key comparison APMP.AUV.A-K3.1; unit is dB re 1 V/Pa

    ui-APMP(K3.1) : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP(K3.1)

    Click on the following link to access data obtained for the transfer microphone from 31.5 Hz to 25 kHz:

    Microphone 2341431
    Results from 31.5Hz to 25000 Hz