NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Argon Triple Point, 83.8058 K

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2),
both expressed in mK

Blue circles: participants in EUROMET.T-K3
Pink triangle: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
Green square: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only



NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Mercury Triple Point, 234.3156 K

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2),
both expressed in mK

Blue circles: participants in EUROMET.T-K3
Pink triangle: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
Brown diamond: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
Green square: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Gallium Melting Point, 302.9146 K

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2),
both expressed in mK

Blue circles: participants in EUROMET.T-K3
Pink triangle: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
Brown diamond: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
Green square: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Indium Freezing Point, 429.7485 K

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2),
both expressed in mK

Blue circles: participants in EUROMET.T-K3
Pink triangle: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
Brown diamond: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
Green square: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Tin Freezing Point, 505.078 K

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2),
both expressed in mK

Blue circles: participants in EUROMET.T-K3
Pink triangle: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
Brown diamond: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
Green square: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Zinc Freezing Point, 692.677 K

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2),
both expressed in mK

Blue circles: participants in EUROMET.T-K3
Pink triangle: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
Brown diamond: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
Green square: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only


MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (95% level of confidence) expressed in mK

Click on the graph for a closer view


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Argon Triple Point, 83.8058 K

All values given in the following Table are expressed in mK

Lab iDiUi
PTB -0.170.79

LACOMET: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DLACOMET = -0.1 mK and ULACOMET = 12 mK

ROTH+CO.AG: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only
DROTH+CO.AG = 0.72 mK and UROTH+CO.AG = 1.14 mK


Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Mercury Triple Point, 234.3156 K

All values given in the following Table are expressed in mK

Lab iDiUi
PTB 0.030.39

LACOMET: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DLACOMET = -0.29 mK and ULACOMET = 0.85 mK

BIM: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
DBIM = -0.06 mK and UBIM = 0.67 mK

ROTH+CO.AG: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only
DROTH+CO.AG = 0.51 mK and UROTH+CO.AG = 1.06 mK


Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Gallium Melting Point, 302.9146 K

All values given in the following Table are expressed in mK

Lab iDiUi
PTB 0.150.30

LACOMET: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DLACOMET = 0.46 mK and ULACOMET = 0.82 mK

BIM: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
DBIM = -0.16 mK and UBIM = 0.63 mK

ROTH+CO.AG: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only
DROTH+CO.AG = 0.66 mK and UROTH+CO.AG = 1.06 mK


Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Indium Freezing Point, 429.7485 K

All values given in the following Table are expressed in mK

Lab iDiUi
PTB 0.160.92

LACOMET: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DLACOMET = 0.6 mK and ULACOMET = 2.1 mK

BIM: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
DBIM = -0.14 mK and UBIM = 1.1 mK

ROTH+CO.AG: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only
DROTH+CO.AG = 1.09 mK and UROTH+CO.AG = 2.07 mK


Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Tin Freezing Point, 505.078 K

All values given in the following Table are expressed in mK

Lab iDiUi
PTB 0.430.90

LACOMET: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DLACOMET = -0.7 mK and ULACOMET = 2.2 mK

BIM: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.1 only
DBIM = 0.05 mK and UBIM = 1.4 mK

ROTH+CO.AG: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only
DROTH+CO.AG = 0.82 mK and UROTH+CO.AG = 2.13 mK


Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Zinc Freezing Point, 692.677 K

All values given in the following Table are expressed in mK

Lab iDiUi
PTB -0.491.44

LACOMET: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DLACOMET = -2.1 mK and ULACOMET = 3.2 mK

BIM: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.3 only
DBIM = -1.62 mK and UBIM = 2.2 mK

ROTH+CO.AG: participant in EURAMET.T-K3.5 only
DROTH+CO.AG = 1.72 mK and UROTH+CO.AG = 2.82 mK


Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).


MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui, relative to the CCT-K4 key comparison reference value

* LNE-INM was named "BNM-INM" at the time of key comparison CCT-K4
** INRIM was named "IMGC" at the time of key comparison CCT-K4

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).

Comparison close
RMO comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Thermometry, Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers
Description Realizations of the ITS-90 from 83.8 K to 933.5 K
Time of measurements 2013
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Temperature: 83.8 K to 933.5 K
Transfer device Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCT (Consultative Committee for Thermometry)
Conducted by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes)

Results published on 24 July 2014

EURAMET.T-K3.3, EURAMET.T-K3.1 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 results are linked to those of EUROMET.T-K3 for the Ar, Hg, Ga, In, Sn and Zn fixed points

EUROMET.T-K4, EURAMET.T-K3.3APMP.T-K4 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 results are linked to those of CCT-K4 for the Al fixed point

Realizations of the ITS-90 from 83.8 K to 933.5 K

Pilot institute VSL
Contact person A. Peruzzi

+31 (0) 15 269 1519
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

VSL, Netherlands, EURAMET


ROTH+CO.AG, Switzerland, EURAMET


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Argon Triple Point, 83.8058 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

For each fixed-point temperature, the difference (TR - TP) between the EUROMET reference value, TR, and TP, is computed as the weighted mean of all participants' results (Ti - TP), with weights inversely proportional to uiP, as explained in Section 8.1 of the Final Report.

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the EUROMET reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Di = (Ti - TR), obtained from the differences relative to the Pilot Laboratory
Di = (Ti - TP) - (TR - TP), and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), involving the measurement uncertainty at laboratory i, the uncertainty associated with the stability of the travelling SPRTs, and the repeatability of the calibration at the Pilot Laboratory (see Section 8.2 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Dij = Di - Dj, and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence. The computation of Uij between participants in the same loop, and participants in different loops is explained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Final Report.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K3 to CCT-K3

The Pilot Laboratory and the five Co-Pilots have participated in both comparisons.
The comparison of their averaged results in both exercises shows that they perform equally within 0.1 mK for all temperatures, except for the Zinc fixed-point temperature (0.23 mK) and the Tin fixed-point temperature (0.14 mK), as explained in Section 10.1 of the Final Report.
The uncertainty linked with the reproducibility between both exercises in also computed (see Table 28 on page 60 of the Final Report) and taken into account for the estimation of the pair-wise degrees of equivalence between participants in EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 (see Section 11.3 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the BIPM key comparison database displays the degrees of equivalence relative to the EUROMET reference value, and the pair-wise degrees of equivalence computed inside the EUROMET key comparison.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 to EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3

The LACOMET results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K3, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K3, as described above.
The ROTH+CO.AG results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
This makes it possible to extend the EUROMET.T-K3 graphs of equivalence with LACOMET and ROTH+CO.AG results.
LACOMET degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV are given on page 17 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report.
The computation of ROTH+CO.AG degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV is explained in Section 8.1 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report.


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Mercury Triple Point, 234.3156 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

For each fixed-point temperature, the difference (TR - TP) between the EUROMET reference value, TR, and TP, is computed as the weighted mean of all participants' results (Ti - TP), with weights inversely proportional to uiP, as explained in Section 8.1 of the Final Report.

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the EUROMET reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Di = (Ti - TR), obtained from the differences relative to the Pilot Laboratory
Di = (Ti - TP) - (TR - TP), and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), involving the measurement uncertainty at laboratory i, the uncertainty associated with the stability of the travelling SPRTs, and the repeatability of the calibration at the Pilot Laboratory (see Section 8.2 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Dij = Di - Dj, and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence. The computation of Uij between participants in the same loop, and participants in different loops is explained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Final Report.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K3 to CCT-K3

The Pilot Laboratory and the five Co-Pilots have participated in both comparisons.
The comparison of their averaged results in both exercises shows that they perform equally within 0.1 mK for all temperatures, except for the Zinc fixed-point temperature (0.23 mK) and the Tin fixed-point temperature (0.14 mK), as explained in Section 10.1 of the Final Report.
The uncertainty linked with the reproducibility between both exercises in also computed (see Table 28 on page 60 of the Final Report) and taken into account for the estimation of the pair-wise degrees of equivalence between participants in EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 (see Section 11.3 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the BIPM key comparison database displays the degrees of equivalence relative to the EUROMET reference value, and the pair-wise degrees of equivalence computed inside the EUROMET key comparison.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3, EURAMET.T-K3.1 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 to EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3

The LACOMET results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K3, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K3, as described above.
The BIM results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.1 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
The ROTH+CO.AG results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
This makes it possible to extend the EUROMET.T-K3 graphs of equivalence with LACOMET, BIM and ROTH+CO.AG results.
LACOMET and BIM degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV are given on page 17 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report and on pages 10 and 11 of the EURAMET.T-K3.1 Final Report, respectively.
The computation of ROTH+CO.AG degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV is explained in Section 8.1 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report.


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Gallium Melting Point, 302.9146 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

For each fixed-point temperature, the difference (TR - TP) between the EUROMET reference value, TR, and TP, is computed as the weighted mean of all participants' results (Ti - TP), with weights inversely proportional to uiP, as explained in Section 8.1 of the Final Report.

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the EUROMET reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Di = (Ti - TR), obtained from the differences relative to the Pilot Laboratory
Di = (Ti - TP) - (TR - TP), and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), involving the measurement uncertainty at laboratory i, the uncertainty associated with the stability of the travelling SPRTs, and the repeatability of the calibration at the Pilot Laboratory (see Section 8.2 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Dij = Di - Dj, and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence. The computation of Uij between participants in the same loop, and participants in different loops is explained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Final Report.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K3 to CCT-K3

The Pilot Laboratory and the five Co-Pilots have participated in both comparisons.
The comparison of their averaged results in both exercises shows that they perform equally within 0.1 mK for all temperatures, except for the Zinc fixed-point temperature (0.23 mK) and the Tin fixed-point temperature (0.14 mK), as explained in Section 10.1 of the Final Report.
The uncertainty linked with the reproducibility between both exercises in also computed (see Table 28 on page 60 of the Final Report) and taken into account for the estimation of the pair-wise degrees of equivalence between participants in EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 (see Section 11.3 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the BIPM key comparison database displays the degrees of equivalence relative to the EUROMET reference value, and the pair-wise degrees of equivalence computed inside the EUROMET key comparison.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3, EURAMET.T-K3.1 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 to EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3

The LACOMET results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K3, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K3, as described above.
The BIM results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.1 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
The ROTH+CO.AG results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
This makes it possible to extend the EUROMET.T-K3 graphs of equivalence with LACOMET, BIM and ROTH+CO.AG results.
LACOMET and BIM degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV are given on page 17 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report and on pages 10 and 11 of the EURAMET.T-K3.1 Final Report, respectively.
The computation of ROTH+CO.AG degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV is explained in Section 8.1 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report.


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Indium Freezing Point, 429.7485 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

For each fixed-point temperature, the difference (TR - TP) between the EUROMET reference value, TR, and TP, is computed as the weighted mean of all participants' results (Ti - TP), with weights inversely proportional to uiP, as explained in Section 8.1 of the Final Report.

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the EUROMET reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Di = (Ti - TR), obtained from the differences relative to the Pilot Laboratory
Di = (Ti - TP) - (TR - TP), and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), involving the measurement uncertainty at laboratory i, the uncertainty associated with the stability of the travelling SPRTs, and the repeatability of the calibration at the Pilot Laboratory (see Section 8.2 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Dij = Di - Dj, and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence. The computation of Uij between participants in the same loop, and participants in different loops is explained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Final Report.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K3 to CCT-K3

The Pilot Laboratory and the five Co-Pilots have participated in both comparisons.
The comparison of their averaged results in both exercises shows that they perform equally within 0.1 mK for all temperatures, except for the Zinc fixed-point temperature (0.23 mK) and the Tin fixed-point temperature (0.14 mK), as explained in Section 10.1 of the Final Report.
The uncertainty linked with the reproducibility between both exercises in also computed (see Table 28 on page 60 of the Final Report) and taken into account for the estimation of the pair-wise degrees of equivalence between participants in EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 (see Section 11.3 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the BIPM key comparison database displays the degrees of equivalence relative to the EUROMET reference value, and the pair-wise degrees of equivalence computed inside the EUROMET key comparison.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3, EURAMET.T-K3.1 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 to EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3

The LACOMET results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K3, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K3, as described above.
The BIM results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.1 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
The ROTH+CO.AG results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
This makes it possible to extend the EUROMET.T-K3 graphs of equivalence with LACOMET, BIM and ROTH+CO.AG results.
LACOMET and BIM degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV are given on page 17 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report and on pages 10 and 11 of the EURAMET.T-K3.1 Final Report, respectively.
The computation of ROTH+CO.AG degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV is explained in Section 8.1 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report.


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Tin Freezing Point, 505.078 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

For each fixed-point temperature, the difference (TR - TP) between the EUROMET reference value, TR, and TP, is computed as the weighted mean of all participants' results (Ti - TP), with weights inversely proportional to uiP, as explained in Section 8.1 of the Final Report.

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the EUROMET reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Di = (Ti - TR), obtained from the differences relative to the Pilot Laboratory
Di = (Ti - TP) - (TR - TP), and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), involving the measurement uncertainty at laboratory i, the uncertainty associated with the stability of the travelling SPRTs, and the repeatability of the calibration at the Pilot Laboratory (see Section 8.2 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Dij = Di - Dj, and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence. The computation of Uij between participants in the same loop, and participants in different loops is explained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Final Report.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K3 to CCT-K3

The Pilot Laboratory and the five Co-Pilots have participated in both comparisons.
The comparison of their averaged results in both exercises shows that they perform equally within 0.1 mK for all temperatures, except for the Zinc fixed-point temperature (0.23 mK) and the Tin fixed-point temperature (0.14 mK), as explained in Section 10.1 of the Final Report.
The uncertainty linked with the reproducibility between both exercises in also computed (see Table 28 on page 60 of the Final Report) and taken into account for the estimation of the pair-wise degrees of equivalence between participants in EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 (see Section 11.3 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the BIPM key comparison database displays the degrees of equivalence relative to the EUROMET reference value, and the pair-wise degrees of equivalence computed inside the EUROMET key comparison.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3, EURAMET.T-K3.1 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 to EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3

The LACOMET results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K3, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K3, as described above.
The BIM results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.1 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
The ROTH+CO.AG results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
This makes it possible to extend the EUROMET.T-K3 graphs of equivalence with LACOMET, BIM and ROTH+CO.AG results.
LACOMET and BIM degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV are given on page 17 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report and on pages 10 and 11 of the EURAMET.T-K3.1 Final Report, respectively.
The computation of ROTH+CO.AG degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV is explained in Section 8.1 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report.


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Zinc Freezing Point, 692.677 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

For each fixed-point temperature, the difference (TR - TP) between the EUROMET reference value, TR, and TP, is computed as the weighted mean of all participants' results (Ti - TP), with weights inversely proportional to uiP, as explained in Section 8.1 of the Final Report.

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the EUROMET reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Di = (Ti - TR), obtained from the differences relative to the Pilot Laboratory
Di = (Ti - TP) - (TR - TP), and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), involving the measurement uncertainty at laboratory i, the uncertainty associated with the stability of the travelling SPRTs, and the repeatability of the calibration at the Pilot Laboratory (see Section 8.2 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in mK: Dij = Di - Dj, and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence. The computation of Uij between participants in the same loop, and participants in different loops is explained in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Final Report.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K3 to CCT-K3

The Pilot Laboratory and the five Co-Pilots have participated in both comparisons.
The comparison of their averaged results in both exercises shows that they perform equally within 0.1 mK for all temperatures, except for the Zinc fixed-point temperature (0.23 mK) and the Tin fixed-point temperature (0.14 mK), as explained in Section 10.1 of the Final Report.
The uncertainty linked with the reproducibility between both exercises in also computed (see Table 28 on page 60 of the Final Report) and taken into account for the estimation of the pair-wise degrees of equivalence between participants in EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 (see Section 11.3 of the Final Report).

For each fixed-point temperature, the BIPM key comparison database displays the degrees of equivalence relative to the EUROMET reference value, and the pair-wise degrees of equivalence computed inside the EUROMET key comparison.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3, EURAMET.T-K3.1 and EURAMET.T-K3.5 to EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3

The LACOMET results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K3, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K3, as described above.
The BIM results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.1 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
The ROTH+CO.AG results obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 are linked to the results of EUROMET.T-K3 and CCT-K3 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K3.
This makes it possible to extend the EUROMET.T-K3 graphs of equivalence with LACOMET, BIM and ROTH+CO.AG results.
LACOMET and BIM degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV are given on page 17 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report and on pages 10 and 11 of the EURAMET.T-K3.1 Final Report, respectively.
The computation of ROTH+CO.AG degrees of equivalence relative to the CCT-K3 ARV is explained in Section 8.1 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report.


  • Key comparison CCT-K4

MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

Key comparison reference value for the nominal temperature of Al fixed point:
the key comparison reference temperature, TR, is the weighted average temperature calculated using the sum (ui2 + uc2) of the squared uncertainties to set the weights. It has zero uncertainty by definition.
The degree of equivalence of each laboratory with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (Ti - TR) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty at a 95% level of confidence, both expressed in mK.
Ui = [(2uc)2 + Ulab i2]1/2, where Ulab i is the expanded uncertainty of laboratory i at a 95% level of confidence.
The degree of equivalence between two laboratories is given by a pair of terms:
Dij = Di - Dj = Ti - Tj and Uij, its expanded uncertainty at a 95% level of confidence (see equations 1 to 3 of the CCT-K4 Final Report, pages 22 to 23), both expressed in mK.
  • Linking EUROMET.T-K4 to CCT-K4
The reference value TEUR of key comparison EUROMET.T-K4 is computed as the simple mean of the EUROMET.T-K4 participants' results, the EIM result being eliminated as an obvious outlier. The expanded uncertainty (k = 2) is calculated from the uncertainties of the laboratories. TEUR = TPTB - (1.18 +/- 1.06) mK, (k = 2)
The linkage of EUROMET.T-K4 results to those of CCT-K4 is explained in Section 5.4 of the
EUROMET.T-K4 Final Report, and is based on the results of common participants to both comparisons: INRIM, LNE-INM, NPL, PTB, VNIIM, and NMi-VSL.
TEUR = TR + (1.65 +/- 2.28) mK, (k = 2)
This equation allows to deduce the degrees of equivalence of the EUROMET.T-K4 participants relative to the CCT-K4 key comparison reference value, each composed of the offset Di and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), expressed in mK.
The pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside key comparison EUROMET.T-K4 are composed of two terms Dij and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), expressed in mK, computed as explained in Section 7 of the EUROMET.T-K4 Final Report.
  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.3 to CCT-K4

The LACOMET result obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.3 is linked to the results of CCT-K4 using the participation of CEM in EUROMET.T-K4, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K4, as described above.

  • Linking APMP.T-K4 to CCT-K4

The participants' results obtained in APMP.T-K4 are linked to the results of CCT-K4 using the common participation of KRISS and NMIJ in both key comparisons. The linkage process is explained in section 4.2 of the APMP.T-K4 Final Report, and leads to the computation of the degrees of equivalence of participants in APMP.T-K4 relative to the CCT-K4 reference value.

  • Linking EURAMET.T-K3.5 to CCT-K4

The ROTH+CO.AG result obtained in EURAMET.T-K3.5 is linked to the results of CCT-K4 using the participation of VSL in EUROMET.T-K4, whose results are linked to those of CCT-K4, as described above.


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Argon Triple Point, 83.8058 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

MEASURAND : Resistance ratio, W, at fixed-point temperature

The key comparison EUROMET.T-K3 was carried out in five loops as described on Figure 1.1 on page 5 of the Final Report:

The individual laboratory measurements are given in Section 5 of the Final Report.
The temperature differences (Ti - TP) and associated standard uncertainties uiP are then deduced independently of the measurement loop. The indexes "i" and "P" refer respectively to laboratory i and to the Pilot Laboratory, and T to the temperature of a given fixed point.

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3 is a bilateral comparison between CEM and LACOMET carried out in 2009

For the Argon Triple Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TLACOMET - TCEM = 0.4 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 11 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 is a bilateral comparison between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG carried out in 2013

For the Argon Triple Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 0.72 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 1.02 mK


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Mercury Triple Point, 234.3156 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

MEASURAND : Resistance ratio, W, at fixed-point temperature

The key comparison EUROMET.T-K3 was carried out in five loops as described on Figure 1.1 on page 5 of the Final Report:

The individual laboratory measurements are given in Section 5 of the Final Report.
The temperature differences (Ti - TP) and associated standard uncertainties uiP are then deduced independently of the measurement loop. The indexes "i" and "P" refer respectively to laboratory i and to the Pilot Laboratory, and T to the temperature of a given fixed point.

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3 is a bilateral comparison between CEM and LACOMET carried out in 2009

For the Mercury Triple Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TLACOMET - TCEM = -0.10 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 0.64 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1 is a bilateral comparison between BIM and VSL carried out in 2008-2009

For the Mercury Triple Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TBIM - TVSL = -0.17 mK and U(TBIM - TVSL) = 0.49 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 is a bilateral comparison between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG carried out in 2013

For the Mercury Triple Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 0.38 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 0.96 mK


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Gallium Melting Point, 302.9146 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

MEASURAND : Resistance ratio, W, at fixed-point temperature

The key comparison EUROMET.T-K3 was carried out in five loops as described on Figure 1.1 on page 5 of the Final Report:

The individual laboratory measurements are given in Section 5 of the Final Report.
The temperature differences (Ti - TP) and associated standard uncertainties uiP are then deduced independently of the measurement loop. The indexes "i" and "P" refer respectively to laboratory i and to the Pilot Laboratory, and T to the temperature of a given fixed point.

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3 is a bilateral comparison between CEM and LACOMET carried out in 2009

For the Gallium Melting Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TLACOMET - TCEM = 0.26 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 0.61 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1 is a bilateral comparison between BIM and VSL carried out in 2008-2009

For the Gallium Melting Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TBIM - TVSL = 0.01 mK and U(TBIM - TVSL) = 0.52 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 is a bilateral comparison between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG carried out in 2013

For the Gallium Melting Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 0.78 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 0.93 mK


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Indium Freezing Point, 429.7485 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

MEASURAND : Resistance ratio, W, at fixed-point temperature

The key comparison EUROMET.T-K3 was carried out in five loops as described on Figure 1.1 on page 5 of the Final Report:

The individual laboratory measurements are given in Section 5 of the Final Report.
The temperature differences (Ti - TP) and associated standard uncertainties uiP are then deduced independently of the measurement loop. The indexes "i" and "P" refer respectively to laboratory i and to the Pilot Laboratory, and T to the temperature of a given fixed point.

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3 is a bilateral comparison between CEM and LACOMET carried out in 2009

For the Indium Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TLACOMET - TCEM = 0.4 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 1.7 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1 is a bilateral comparison between BIM and VSL carried out in 2008-2009

For the Indium Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TBIM - TVSL = 0.31 mK and U(TBIM - TVSL) = 0.90 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 is a bilateral comparison between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG carried out in 2013

For the Indium Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 1.47 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 1.99 mK


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Tin Freezing Point, 505.078 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

MEASURAND : Resistance ratio, W, at fixed-point temperature

The key comparison EUROMET.T-K3 was carried out in five loops as described on Figure 1.1 on page 5 of the Final Report:

The individual laboratory measurements are given in Section 5 of the Final Report.
The temperature differences (Ti - TP) and associated standard uncertainties uiP are then deduced independently of the measurement loop. The indexes "i" and "P" refer respectively to laboratory i and to the Pilot Laboratory, and T to the temperature of a given fixed point.

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3 is a bilateral comparison between CEM and LACOMET carried out in 2009

For the Tin Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TLACOMET - TCEM = -1.3 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 1.7 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1 is a bilateral comparison between BIM and VSL carried out in 2008-2009

For the Tin Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TBIM - TVSL = -0.17 mK and U(TBIM - TVSL) = 1.0 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 is a bilateral comparison between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG carried out in 2013

For the Tin Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 0.65 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 1.92 mK


NOMINAL TEMPERATURE : Zinc Freezing Point, 692.677 K

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K3

MEASURAND : Resistance ratio, W, at fixed-point temperature

The key comparison EUROMET.T-K3 was carried out in five loops as described on Figure 1.1 on page 5 of the Final Report:

The individual laboratory measurements are given in Section 5 of the Final Report.
The temperature differences (Ti - TP) and associated standard uncertainties uiP are then deduced independently of the measurement loop. The indexes "i" and "P" refer respectively to laboratory i and to the Pilot Laboratory, and T to the temperature of a given fixed point.

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3 is a bilateral comparison between CEM and LACOMET carried out in 2009

For the Zinc Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TLACOMET - TCEM = -2.4 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 2.1 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.1 is a bilateral comparison between BIM and VSL carried out in 2008-2009

For the Zinc Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TBIM - TVSL = -0.80 mK and U(TBIM - TVSL) = 1.6 mK

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 is a bilateral comparison between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG carried out in 2013

For the Zinc Freezing Point, the temperature difference and corresponding expanded uncertainty (k = 2) are:
TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 2.44 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 2.33 mK


  • Key comparison CCT-K4

MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

Ti - Tmc : difference of Al fixed-point temperature realized at laboratory i, Ti, relative to the master circulated cell (PTB/NIST Al 94-3) temperature Tmc
Cell : designation of Al cell at laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of laboratory i
uc = 0.5 mK : standard uncertainty representing the stability of the circulated cells

 Lab i Cell (Ti - Tmc)
/ mK
/ mK
(ui2 + uc2)1/2
/ mK
 BNM-INM Al 123 3.87 0.51 0.72
 IMGC Al Co3 4.62 0.50 0.71
 KRISS Al 1.36 0.90 1.03
 NIM Al 1 3.49 0.90 1.03
 NIST Al 94-2 4.63 0.19 0.54
 NMi-VSL 93T267 -0.74 1.93 1.99
 CSIRO-NML Al 98/2 5.55 0.44 0.67
 NPL Al 89 1.37 0.98 1.10
 NRC Al-6 4.18 0.50 0.71
 NMIJ Al 97-1 1.83 0.61 0.79
 PTB Al 97-2 2.87 0.55 0.75
 VNIIM Al 2.12 0.71 0.87

  • Key comparison EUROMET.T-K4

MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

Ti - TPTB : difference of Al fixed-point temperature realized at laboratory i, Ti, relative to the PTB result. PTB is the Pilot Laboratory and is the only laboratory with measurements in the four loops organized in key comparison EUROMET.T-K4 - see Section 5.2 of the EUROMET.T-K4 Final Report
ULab i : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of Ti - TPTB

 Lab i

(Ti - TPTB)
/ mK

ULab i
/ mK
 DTI -1.45 5.65
 JV -1.42 4.69
 MKEH -5.60 4.04
 SMU 0.52 3.65
 INM(RO) -6.63 3.77
 UME -2.08 4.34
 DZM/FSB -5.26 12.62
 CMI -1.30 4.49



 LNE-INM* 1.92 3.54
 MIRS -3.20 3.64
 METAS 3.42 3.04
 BEV 0.45 4.31

































* LNE-INM was named "BNM-INM" at the time of key comparison CCT-K4
** INRIM was named "IMGC" at the time of key comparison CCT-K4

  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.3

MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

This is a bilateral comparison carried out between CEM and LACOMET in 2009

TLACOMET - TCEM = 0.8 mK and U(TLACOMET - TCEM) = 5.4 mK (see on page 14 of the EURAMET.T-K3.3 Final Report), with U being the expanded uncertainty considering a coverage factor k equal to 2

  • Key comparison APMP.T-K4

MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

Ti - TKRISS : difference of Al fixed-point temperature realized at laboratory i, Ti, relative to the KRISS result. KRISS is the Pilot Laboratory and is the only laboratory with measurements in the two loops organized in key comparison APMP.T-K4 - see page 4 of the APMP.T-K4 Final Report
ULab i : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of Ti - TKRISS

 Lab i

/ mK

ULab i
/ mK
 KRISS 0.00 5.10
 NMIJ 2.20 4.70
 SCL 4.18 4.56
 NMC, A*STAR 6.04 6.02
 CMS -0.07 5.46
 NIMT -0.43 8.28
 NML-SIRIM -11.34 7.70
 NPLI 5.83 5.12
  • Key comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5

MEASURAND : Freezing-point temperature of Aluminium (Al) fixed-point cells

This is a bilateral comparison carried out between VSL and ROTH+CO.AG in 2013

TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL = 4.69 mK and U(TROTH+CO.AG - TVSL) = 4.81 mK (see on page 11 of the EURAMET.T-K3.5 Final Report), with U being the expanded uncertainty considering a coverage factor k equal to 2