MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

Degrees of equivalence relative to the CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values, expressed in dB

Red diamonds: participants in CCAUV.AUV.A-K5  (Microphones 4160 S/N 811012)
Blue square: participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2545015)
Green triangles: participants in AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)

Orange circles: participants in EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)



MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

Degrees of equivalence relative to the CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values, expressed in dB


MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

Degrees of equivalence relative to the CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values, expressed in degrees

Red diamonds: participants in CCAUV.AUV.A-K5  (Microphones 4160 S/N 811012)
Blue square: participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2545015)
Green triangles: participants in AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)

Orange circles: participants in EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)



MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

Degrees of equivalence relative to the CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values, expressed in degrees



MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

Degrees of equivalence relative to the CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values, expressed in dB

Frequency: 251.189 Hz

Frequency: 1000 Hz

Dark blue: participants in CCAUV.AUV.A-K5 (Microphones 4160 S/N 811012 and S/N 2652754)
Blue: participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2545015)
Green: participants in AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)

Orange: participants in EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file)


MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

Degrees of equivalence relative to the CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values, expressed in degrees

Frequency: 251.189 Hz


Frequency: 1000 Hz

Dark blue: participants in CCAUV.AUV.A-K5 (Microphones 4160 S/N 811012 and S/N 2652754)
Blue: participant in COOMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2545015)
Green: participants in AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)

Orange: participants in EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 (Microphone 4160 S/N 2036126)

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file)

Comparison close
CC comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration, Acoustics
Description Comparison of laboratory standard microphone calibrations
Time of measurements 2013 - 2015
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons

EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 Technical Protocol

EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 initial protocol

Measurand Pressure sensitivity level of laboratory standard microphone type LS1P
Parameters Frequency: 2 Hz to 10 kHz
Transfer device Laboratory standard LS1P microphones
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCAUV (Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration)
Conducted by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes)

Results published on 7 January 2019

Pilot institute NPL
National Physical Laboratory
United Kingdom
Contact person J. Avison

+44 (0) 20 8943 6706
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET


Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen, Austria, EURAMET


Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Bulgaria, EURAMET


Centro Español de Metrologia, Spain, EURAMET


Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Serbia, EURAMET


Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy, EURAMET


Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais, France, EURAMET


Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland, EURAMET


National Institute for Standards, Egypt, AFRIMETS


Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, EURAMET


Technical Research Institute of Sweden from 2017 Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden, EURAMET


TÜBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü, Türkiye, EURAMET


  • Key Comparison CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811012 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2652754 IEC type LS1P

For each frequency and each standard, the key comparison reference value, xR, expressed in dB re 1 V/Pa, and associated standard uncertainty, uR, expressed in dB, is computed as described in Section 7 of the CCAUV.A-K5 Final Report.

For each frequency and each standard, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i, Di , and expanded uncertainty (k = 2) Ui, is determined as explained in Section 8 of the Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only, and the results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz for microphone 811012, and from 2 Hz to 1 kHz for microphone 2652754 can be found in the EXCEL file "CCAUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls" attached to the Final Report of key comparison CCAUV.A-K5.

  • Linking COOMET.AUV.A-K5 to CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2545015 IEC type LS1P

The CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values were applied using the GUM as linking laboratory. The linking procedure is described in Section 7 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K5 Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only. The results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz are given in the EXCEL file "COOMET.AUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls".

  • Key Comparison AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 to CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2036126 IEC type LS1P

NPL provides the link between both comparisons, and the linkage procedure is described in Section 7 of the AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only. The results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz are given in Table 4 and 5 on page 15 to 20 of the AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 Final Report and in the EXCEL file "AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5_Final_Report_Results.xlsx".

  • Key Comparison EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 to CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2036126 IEC type LS1P

NPL and INRiM provide the link between both comparisons, and the linkage procedure is described in Section 5 of the EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only. The results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz are given in the EXCEL file "EURAMET.AUV-A-K5_Tables_of_Data.xls".


  • Key Comparison CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz

TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811012 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2652754 IEC type LS1P

For each frequency and each standard, the key comparison reference value, xR, expressed in degrees re 1 V/Pa, and associated standard uncertainty, uR, expressed in degrees, is computed as described in Section 7 of the CCAUV.A-K5 Final Report.

For each frequency and each standard, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i, Di , and expanded uncertainty (k = 2) Ui, is determined as explained in Section 8 of the Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only, and the results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz for microphone 811012, and from 2 Hz to 1 kHz for microphone 2652754 can be found in the EXCEL file "CCAUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls" attached to the Final Report of key comparison CCAUV.A-K5.

  • Linking COOMET.AUV.A-K5 to CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2545015 IEC type LS1P

The CCAUV.A-K5 key comparison reference values were applied using the GUM as linking laboratory. The linking procedure is described in Section 7 of the COOMET.AUV.A-K5 Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only. The results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz are given in the EXCEL file "COOMET.AUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls".

  • Key Comparison AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 to CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2036126 IEC type LS1P

NPL provides the link between both comparisons, and the linkage procedure is described in Section 7 of the AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only. The results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz are given in Table 4 and 5 on page 15 to 20 of the AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 Final Report and in the EXCEL file "AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5_Final_Report_Results.xlsx".

  • Key Comparison EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 to CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2036126 IEC type LS1P

NPL and INRiM provide the link between both comparisons, and the linkage procedure is described in Section 5 of the EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 Final Report.

Results for the degrees of equivalence presented here are those for the frequency values of 251.189 Hz and 1 kHz only. The results obtained for other frequency values from 2 Hz to 10 kHz are given in the EXCEL file "EURAMET.AUV-A-K5_Tables_of_Data.xls".


  • Key Comparison CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811012 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2652754 IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated standard uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for both microphones can be found in the EXCEL file "CCAUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls" attached to the Final Report of key comparison CCAUV.A-K5 under the tabs "811012 Level", and "2652754 Level Adjusted".

  • Key Comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2545015 IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated standard uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for the travelling microphone are given in the EXCEL file "COOMET.AUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls".

  • Key Comparison AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2036126  IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for the travelling microphones can be found in Annex C of the AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 Final Report and in the EXCEL file "AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5_Final_Report_Results.xlsx".

The results obtained using the microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P were not linked to CCAUV.A-K5 results because of the observed shift in the sensitivity.

  • Key Comparison EURAMET.AUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity level of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2036126  IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for the travelling microphones can be found in Section 4 of the EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 Final Report and in the EXCEL file "EURAMET.AUV-A-K5_Tables_of_Data.xls".

The results obtained using the microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P were not linked to CCAUV.A-K5 results because of the observed shift in the sensitivity.


  • Key Comparison CCAUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811012 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2652754 IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated standard uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for both microphones can be found in the EXCEL file "CCAUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls" attached to the Final Report of key comparison CCAUV.A-K5 under the tabs "811012 Phase", and "2652754 Phase".

  • Key Comparison COOMET.AUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of one standard microphone type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARD : Microphone 4160 2545015 IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated standard uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for the travelling microphone are given in the EXCEL file "COOMET.AUV-A-K5 Final Report Tables of Data.xls".

  • Key Comparison AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2036126  IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for the travelling microphones can be found in Annex C of the AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5 Final Report and in the EXCEL file "AFRIMETS.AUV.A-K5_Final_Report_Results.xlsx".

The results obtained using the microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P were not linked to CCAUV.A-K5 results because of the observed shift in the sensitivity.

  • Key Comparison EURAMET.AUV.A-K5

MEASURAND : Pressure sensitivity phase of two standard microphones type LS1P
FREQUENCIES : 2 Hz to 10 kHz
TRANSFER STANDARDS : Microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P, and microphone 4160 2036126  IEC type LS1P

The individual measurement results and associated uncertainties declared by the participating laboratories for the travelling microphones can be found in Section 4 of the EURAMET.AUV.A-K5 Final Report and in the EXCEL file "EURAMET.AUV-A-K5_Tables_of_Data.xls".

The results obtained using the microphone 4160 811014 IEC type LS1P were not linked to CCAUV.A-K5 results because of the observed shift in the sensitivity.