Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Kral meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

Degrees of equivalence: offset Di and expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Turbine meter
Configuration 1:
a flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

Degrees of equivalence: offset Di and expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Turbine meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

Degrees of equivalence: offset Di and expanded uncertainty at a 95 % level of confidence

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Kral meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

Lab iDiUi
 / %/ %

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Turbine meter
Configuration 1:
a flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

Lab iDiUi
 / %/ %

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Turbine meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).

Comparison close
CC comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Mass and related quantities, Fluid Flow
Description Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Time of measurements 2005 - 2007
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Strouhal number (corrected for viscosity) at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Parameters Flow: 5 l/s to 30 l/s
Transfer device Turbine and Kral meters, tested in two different configurations (Configuration 1: a flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter; Configuration 2: the flow conditioner is removed)
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCM (Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities)
Conducted by CCM (Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities)

Results published on 27 November 2008

APMP.M.FF-K2.a results are linked to those of CCM.FF-K2.

Liquid hydrocarbon flow

Measurements are taken with two meters, designated as "Kral meter" and "Turbine meter", and in two different configurations (Configuration 1: a flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter; Configuration 2: the flow conditioner is removed), as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the Final Report.

Pilot institute NEL
National Engineering Laboratory, now TUVNEL
United Kingdom
Contact person R. Paton

+44 (0) 1355 272 965
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

National Engineering Laboratory, now TUVNEL, United Kingdom, EURAMET


Industrial Technology Research Institute/Center for Measurement Standards, Chinese Taipei, APMP


FORCE Technology, Denmark, EURAMET


National Metrology Institute of Japan, Japan, APMP


Nederlands Meetinstituut - Van Swinden Laboratorium (became VSL in 2009), Netherlands, EURAMET


Technical Research Institute of Sweden from 2017 Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden, EURAMET

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Kral meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

The key comparison reference value xR is calculated as the weighted mean of the participants' results, as explained in Section 5.4 on page 17 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report. Its expanded uncertainty is UR.

xR = 7.9496, UR = 0.015 %

The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in relative terms:
Di = (xi - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui = (ULab i2 - UR2)1/2.

The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by two terms both expressed in relative terms :
Dij = (Di - Dj) and associated expanded uncertainty Uij = (ULab i2 + ULab j2)1/2.

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Turbine meter
Configuration 1:
a flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

The key comparison reference value xR is calculated as the weighted mean of the participants' results, as explained in Section 5.4 on page 17 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report. Its expanded uncertainty is UR.

xR = 7.1878, UR = 0.019 %

The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in relative terms:
Di = (xi - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui = (ULab i2 - UR2)1/2.

The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by two terms both expressed in relative terms :
Dij = (Di - Dj) and associated expanded uncertainty Uij = (ULab i2 + ULab j2)1/2.

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
Turbine meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

The key comparison reference value xR is calculated as the weighted mean of the participants' results, as explained in Section 5.4 on page 17 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report. Its expanded uncertainty is UR.

xR = 7.1715, UR = 0.030 %

The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms, both expressed in relative terms:
Di = (xi - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui = (ULab i2 - UR2)1/2.

Pair-wise degrees of equivalence are not computed for the Turbine meter in Configuration 2.

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Kral meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

xi : measurement result reported by laboratory i: Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
ULab i : expanded uncertainty of xi

 Lab i xi ULab i / % Date of measurement


0.045 March 2006
 NMIJ 7.9484 0.03 April 2006
 NEL 7.9516 0.025 October 2006
 NMi-VSL 7.9516 0.04 February 2007
 FORCE 7.9480 0.035 February 2007



March 2007

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Turbine meter
Configuration 1:
a flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

xi : measurement result reported by laboratory i: Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
ULab i : expanded uncertainty of xi

 Lab i xi ULab i / % Date of measurement


0.045 March 2006
 NMIJ 7.1857 0.03 April 2006
 NEL 7.1907 0.025 October 2006
 NMi-VSL 7.1895 0.04 February 2007
 FORCE 7.1863 0.035 February 2007



March 2007

Liquid hydrocarbon flow
Turbine meter
Configuration 2:
no flow conditioner is placed upstream of the turbine meter as explained in Section 2.2 on page 7 of the CCM.FF-K2 Final Report

xi : measurement result reported by laboratory i: Strouhal number at a constant Reynolds number Re = 10+5
ULab i : expanded uncertainty of xi

 Lab i xi ULab i / % Date of measurement


0.045 March 2006
 NMIJ - - -
 NEL 7.1719 0.025 October 2006
 NMi-VSL - - -
 FORCE - - -



March 2007