BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         100 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

Air kerma at 100 kV
Di  (mGy/Gy)
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         135 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

Air kerma at 135 kV
Di  (mGy/Gy)
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         180 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

Air kerma at 180 kV
Di  (mGy/Gy)
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         250 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

Air kerma at 250 kV
Di  (mGy/Gy)
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         100 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
PTB 2.7 5.2
ENEA 3.9 6.2
BEV 3.2 6.4
NRC 3.1 6.6
NMIJ -0.8 6.2
VSL -1.0 6.4
NIST -2.2 7.8
NIM 7.2 6.2
NPL 0.4 6.8
KRISS 4.1 4.4
LNE-LNHB 0.5 7.6
VNIIM 0.5 3.8
GUM 6.9 6.0
ARPANSA 3.8 8.2
BFKH -5.4 6.2
CNEA -6.0 14.3
LMNRI/IRD -9.5 12.1
ININ -9.3 16.1
BARC 11.4 14.1
PTKMR-BATAN 0.9 13.1
INER 2.1 10.1
LNMRI/IRD 1.4 9.8
NMISA -2.2 9.1
NIS 4.6 15.9
Nuclear Malaysia -1.9 12.1
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         135 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
PTB 4.5 5.2
ENEA 4.2 6.2
BEV 4.7 6.4
NRC 2.3 6.6
NMIJ -1.4 6.2
VSL -0.4 6.4
NIST -3.3 7.8
NIM 5.4 6.2
NPL 0.0 6.8
KRISS 5.1 4.4
LNE-LNHB -0.5 7.6
VNIIM 1.0 3.8
GUM 3.2 6.0
ARPANSA 5.2 8.2
BFKH -0.7 6.2
CNEA 1.1 14.3
LMNRI/IRD -9.4 12.1
ININ -12.1 16.1
BARC 10.0 15.7
PTKMR-BATAN 3.2 12.7
INER 4.0 10.0
LNMRI/IRD 1.0 9.4
NMISA 0.3 8.0
NIS 5.7 15.8
Nuclear Malaysia 2.2 10.2
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         180 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
PTB 4.9 5.2
ENEA 7.3 6.2
BEV 4.1 6.4
NRC 1.3 6.6
NMIJ -2.4 6.2
VSL 0.0 6.4
NIST -2.7 7.8
NIM 6.1 6.2
NPL -2.5 6.8
KRISS 4.3 4.4
LNE-LNHB -1.0 7.6
VNIIM 1.7 3.8
GUM 3.6 6.0
ARPANSA 5.4 8.2
BFKH -0.7 6.2
CNEA 2.1 14.3
LMNRI/IRD -8.0 12.1
ININ -11.1 16.1
BARC 7.9 14.5
PTKMR-BATAN -1.9 12.7
INER 2.6 9.7
LNMRI/IRD -0.1 9.3
NMISA -0.2 7.9
NIS 2.00 15.8
Nuclear Malaysia -0.9 9.2
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         250 kV


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in mGy/Gy.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
PTB 5.5 5.2
ENEA 5.6 6.2
BEV 1.1 6.4
NRC 0.4 6.6
NMIJ -3.7 6.2
VSL -2.1 6.4
NIST -5.8 7.8
NIM 6.0 6.2
NPL -4.4 6.8
KRISS 2.8 4.4
LNE-LNHB -2.8 7.6
VNIIM 2.2 3.8
GUM 2.7 6.0
ARPANSA 4.5 8.2
BFKH -0.7 6.2
CNEA 1.4 14.3
LMNRI/IRD -8.5 12.1
ININ -12.0 16.1
PTKMR-BATAN 2.4 13.0
INER 2.2 9.9
LNMRI/IRD -0.2 9.3
NMISA -1.1 8.1
Nuclear Malaysia -6.8 9.1
Participating institutes

Data older than 15 years are no longer included for degrees of equivalence

Comparison close
BIPM comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Ionizing Radiation, Section I (x and gamma rays, electrons)
Description Measurement of air kerma for medium energy X-rays
Time of measurements 2015 - 2016
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons

APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Technical Protocol

Measurand Air kerma
Parameters Radiation type: medium energy X-rays
Transfer device Cavity ionization chambers
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCRI (Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation)
Conducted by APMP (Asia Pacific Metrology Programme)
Comments Results published in 10 February 2023.
Pilot institute NRSL/INER
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
Chinese Taipei
Contact person Chien-Hau Chu

+886 3 471 1400 ext 7741
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Chinese Taipei, APMP


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Australia, APMP


Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, APMP


Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea, Republic of, APMP


Laboratorio Nacional de Metrologia das Radiacoes Ionizantes, IRD, Brazil, SIM


National Institute of Metrology, China, APMP


National Institute for Standards, Egypt, AFRIMETS


National Metrology Institute of Japan, Japan, APMP


National Metrology Institute of South Africa, South Africa, AFRIMETS

Nuclear Malaysia

Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Malaysia, APMP


Center for Technology of Radiation Safety and Metrology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia, APMP

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         100 kV



For a comparison with laboratory , the key comparison reference value is the BIPM air kerma determination xR,i and its standard uncertainty uR,.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR,i  is given by a pair of terms: 
Di and Ui = 2ui , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy:

When required, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j can be evaluated by a pair of terms:

Dij = Di - Dj  and Uij = 2uij , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy. In evaluating uij , account should be taken of correlation between uij and uj (see the BIPM.RI(I)-K3 Summary Report Metrologia 2003 40 06036). For regional comparisons involving secondary standards, this includes correlation related to traceability (see the and SIM.RI(I)-K3 Final Report and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report).

Linking SIM.RI(I)-K3 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of SIM.RI(I)-K3 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NIST (United States) who participated in both comparisons.


Linking APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NMIJ (Japan) and ARPANSA (Australia) who participated in both comparisons.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         135 kV



For a comparison with laboratory , the key comparison reference value is the BIPM air kerma determination xR,i and its standard uncertainty uR,.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR,i  is given by a pair of terms: 
Di and Ui = 2ui , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy:

When required, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j can be evaluated by a pair of terms:

Dij = Di - Dj  and Uij = 2uij , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy. In evaluating uij , account should be taken of correlation between uij and uj (see the BIPM.RI(I)-K3 Summary Report Metrologia 2003 40 06036). For regional comparisons involving secondary standards, this includes correlation related to traceability (see the and SIM.RI(I)-K3 Final Report and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report).

Linking SIM.RI(I)-K3 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of SIM.RI(I)-K3 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NIST (United States) who participated in both comparisons.


Linking APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NMIJ (Japan) and ARPANSA (Australia) who participated in both comparisons.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         180 kV



For a comparison with laboratory , the key comparison reference value is the BIPM air kerma determination xR,i and its standard uncertainty uR,.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR,i  is given by a pair of terms: 
Di and Ui = 2ui , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy:

When required, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j can be evaluated by a pair of terms:

Dij = Di - Dj  and Uij = 2uij , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy. In evaluating uij , account should be taken of correlation between uij and uj (see the BIPM.RI(I)-K3 Summary Report Metrologia 2003 40 06036). For regional comparisons involving secondary standards, this includes correlation related to traceability (see the and SIM.RI(I)-K3 Final Report and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report).

Linking SIM.RI(I)-K3 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of SIM.RI(I)-K3 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NIST (United States) who participated in both comparisons.


Linking APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NMIJ (Japan) and ARPANSA (Australia) who participated in both comparisons.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         250 kV



For a comparison with laboratory , the key comparison reference value is the BIPM air kerma determination xR,i and its standard uncertainty uR,.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR,i  is given by a pair of terms: 
Di and Ui = 2ui , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy:

When required, the degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j can be evaluated by a pair of terms:

Dij = Di - Dj  and Uij = 2uij , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mGy/Gy. In evaluating uij , account should be taken of correlation between uij and uj (see the BIPM.RI(I)-K3 Summary Report Metrologia 2003 40 06036). For regional comparisons involving secondary standards, this includes correlation related to traceability (see the and SIM.RI(I)-K3 Final Report and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report).

Linking SIM.RI(I)-K3 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of SIM.RI(I)-K3 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NIST (United States) who participated in both comparisons.


Linking APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 to BIPM.RI(I)-K3

The results of APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 were linked to those of BIPM.RI(I)-K3 via NMIJ (Japan) and ARPANSA (Australia) who participated in both comparisons.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         100 kV


xi   air kerma determined by Labi at the BIPM, relative to the reference value determined by the BIPM standard

ui   combined standard uncertainty of xi taking correlation into account



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  PTB 1.0027 0.0026 2014
  ENEA 1.0039 0.0031 2014
  BEV 1.0032 0.0032 2014
  NRC 1.0031 0.0033 2014
  NMIJ 0.9992 0.0031 2015
  VSL 0.9990 0.0032 2016
  NIST 0.9978 0.0039 2016
  NIM 1.0072 0.0031 2017
  NPL 1.0004 0.0034 2017
  KRISS 1.0041 0.0022 2017
  LNE-LNHB 1.0005 0.0038 2018
  VNIIM 1.0005 0.0019 2020
  GUM 1.0069 0.0030 2020
  ARPANSA 1.0038 0.0041 2020
  BFKH 0.9946 0.0031 2021



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  CNEA 0.9940 0.0072 2008
  LMNRI/IRD 0.9905 0.0061 2008
  ININ 0.9907 0.0081 2008




APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 comparison results for each laboratory are listed in Section 4 and appendices of the APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         135 kV


xi   air kerma determined by Labi at the BIPM, relative to the reference value determined by the BIPM standard

ui   combined standard uncertainty of xi taking correlation into account



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  PTB 1.0045 0.0026 2014
  ENEA 1.0042 0.0031 2014
  BEV 1.0047 0.0032 2014
  NRC 1.0023 0.0033 2014
  NMIJ 0.9986 0.0031 2015
  VSL 0.9996 0.0032 2016
  NIST 0.9967 0.0039 2016
  NIM 1.0054 0.0031 2017
  NPL 1.0000 0.0034 2017
  KRISS 1.0051 0.0022 2017
  LNE-LNHB 0.9995 0.0038 2018
  VNIIM 1.0010 0.0019 2020
  GUM 1.0032 0.0030 2020
  ARPANSA 1.0052 0.0041 2020
  BFKH 0.9993 0.0031 2021



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  CNEA 1.0011 0.0072 2008
  LMNRI/IRD 0.9906 0.0061 2008
  ININ 0.9879 0.0081 2008



APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 comparison results for each laboratory are listed in Section 4 and appendices of the APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         180 kV


xi   air kerma determined by Labi at the BIPM, relative to the reference value determined by the BIPM standard

ui   combined standard uncertainty of xi taking correlation into account



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  PTB 1.0049 0.0026 2014
  ENEA 1.0073 0.0031 2014
  BEV 1.0041 0.0032 2014
  NRC 1.0013 0.0033 2014
  NMIJ 0.9976 0.0031 2015
  VSL 1.0000 0.0032 2016
  NIST 0.9973 0.0039 2016
  NIM 1.0061 0.0031 2017
  NPL 0.9975 0.0034 2017
  KRISS 1.0043 0.0022 2017
  LNE-LNHB 0.9990 0.0038 2018
  VNIIM 1.0017 0.0019 2020
  GUM 1.0036 0.0030 2020
  ARPANSA 1.0054 0.0041 2020
  BFKH 0.9993 0.0031 2021



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  CNEA 1.0021 0.0072 2008
  LMNRI/IRD 0.9920 0.0061 2008
  ININ 0.9889 0.0081 2008



APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 comparison results for each laboratory are listed in Section 4 and appendices of the APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report.

BIPM.RI(I)-K3, SIM.RI(I)-K3 and APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013


MEASURAND                 Air kerma

Radiation quality         250 kV


xi   air kerma determined by Labi at the BIPM, relative to the reference value determined by the BIPM standard

ui   combined standard uncertainty of xi taking correlation into account



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  PTB 1.0055 0.0026 2014
  ENEA 1.0056 0.0031 2014
  BEV 1.0011 0.0032 2014
  NRC 1.0004 0.0033 2014
  NMIJ 0.9963 0.0031 2015
  VSL 0.9979 0.0032 2016
  NIST 0.9942 0.0039 2016
  NIM 1.0060 0.0031 2017
  NPL 0.9956 0.0034 2017
  KRISS 1.0028 0.0022 2017
  LNE-LNHB 0.9972 0.0038 2018
  VNIIM 1.0022 0.0019 2020
  GUM 1.0027 0.0030 2020
  ARPANSA 1.0045 0.0041 2020
  BFKH 0.9993 0.0031 2021



  Labi xi ui year of measurement
  CNEA 1.0014 0.0072 2008
  LMNRI/IRD 0.9915 0.0061 2008
  ININ 0.9880 0.0081 2008



APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 comparison results for each laboratory are listed in Section 4 and appendices of the APMP.RI(I)-K3.2013 Final Report.