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MEASURAND : Capacitance
FREQUENCY : ~ 1.6 kHz

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) in 10-6

Click on the graph for a closer view

Red diamonds: participants in CCEM-K4
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.EM-K4b
Blue circles: participants in APMP.EM-K4.1b
Purple squares: participants in SIM.EM-K4b
Orange squares: participants in COOMET.EM-K4b

a) Measurements made at 1000 Hz

b) Linking laboratories to CCEM-K4 not listed

Comparison close


MEASURAND : Capacitance

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) in 10-6

*laboratories whose measurements are derived from RK-90
In red: participants in CCEM-K4
In green
: participants in EUROMET.EM-K4b
In blue: participants in APMP.EM-K4.1b
In purple: participants in SIM.EM-K4b

In orange: participants in COOMET.EM-K4b

a) Measurements made at 1000 Hz

b) Linking laboratories to CCEM-K4 not listed

The full matrix of equivalence of key comparisons CCEM-K4, EUROMET.EM-K4, APMP.EM-K4.1, SIM.EM-K4 and COOMET.EM-K4 is available in Summary Results (PDF file, A4 printable format).

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RMO comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Electricity and Magnetism, Capacitance
Description Comparison of capacitors
Time of measurements 1995 - 1998
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Capacitance: 10 pF
Parameters Frequency: 1592 Hz, 1 kHz
Transfer device Dielectric capacitors in thermostatic enclosure
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCEM (Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism)
Conducted by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes)
RMO Internal Identifier EUROMET Project No 345

Results published on 06 September 2002

EUROMET.EM-K4, APMP.EM-K4.1, SIM.EM-K4 and COOMET.EM-K4 Cresults are linked to those of CCEM-K4

Capacitance of nominal value 10 pF at frequency ~ 1.6 kHz

Pilot institute NPL
National Physical Laboratory
United Kingdom
Contact person J.H. Belliss

+44 (0) 20 8943 6294
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET


Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen, Austria, EURAMET


Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, BIPM - International Organization, N/A


Bureau National de Métrologie - Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (became LNE in 2005), France, EURAMET


Centro Español de Metrologia, Spain, EURAMET


Czech Metrology Institute, Czechia, EURAMET


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Metrology Laboratory (became NMISA in 2007), South Africa, AFRIMETS


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization - National Measurement Laboratory; became National Measurement Institute, Australia, NMIA in 2004, Australia, APMP


Glowny Urzad Miar, Central Office of Measures, Poland, EURAMET


Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris; from 1st January 2006: Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, INRIM, Italy, EURAMET


Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland, EURAMET


Mittatekniikan Keskus, Centre for Metrology and Accreditation, Finland, EURAMET


National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States, SIM


Nederlands Meetinstituut - Van Swinden Laboratorium (became VSL in 2009), Netherlands, EURAMET


Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, EURAMET


Technical Research Institute of Sweden from 2017 Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden, EURAMET


TÜBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü, Türkiye, EURAMET

Comparison close


MEASURAND : Capacitance
FREQUENCY : ~ 1.6 kHz

  • Key comparison CCEM-K4

The key comparison reference value of CCEM-K4 is obtained from the weighted average of the results of the CCEM-K4 participants who derive their reference standard of capacitance by means of an independent realization of the farad from a calculable capacitor.
It is chosen such that: xR = x0 x (1 + mR), with xR = 10 pF exactly, that is, mR = 0.
The standard uncertainty of mR is uR = 0.017x10-6.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di = (m'i - mR) and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui (see detailed calculation of Ui on page 17 of the CCEM-K4 Final Report), where m'i is deduced from mi by adding a constant factor chosen so that the reference value is a nominal 10 pF.

The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given in the CCEM-K4 Final Report.

  • Linking EUROMET.EM-K4 to CCEM-K4

The input data for establishing the link between EUROMET.EM-K4 and CCEM-K4 are taken from the two tables given in Laboratory individual measurements.
In three cases, two EUROMET values are reported; the mean of the two values is used as the final result.

Seven laboratories (BIPM, LNE, NMIA, NIST, VSL, NPL and PTB) participated in both comparisons.
Each was asked if its results should be used for the link and, if so, to provide a one-sigma estimate of the uncertainty, ri, corresponding to the imperfect reproductibility of its measurements during the time ellapsed between its measurements for the two comparisons. One of the common participants (LNE) asked that its results not be used for the link.

The CCEM-K4 key comparison reference value and degrees of equivalence are unaltered by the linking procedure.

The linking procedure consists of evaluating the correction d to apply to the result
(mi-EUR - miR-EUR) of a laboratory participating in EUROMET.EM-K4 only, so that the corrected result represents the best estimate of what would have been the result of this laboratory had it actually participated in CCEM-K4.
The correction d is obtained as the weighted average of the differences of the results
[(m'i - mR) - (mi-EUR - miR-EUR)] obtained by the 6 linking laboratories in both comparisons.
The weights are inversely proportional to the quantities si2 = ti2 + ti-EUR2 + 2 ri2, where ti and ti-EUR are the standard transfer uncertainties in the CCEM-K4 and EUROMET.EM-K4 key comparisons.
The result is: d = 0.007x10-6 with a standard uncertainty ud = 0.0202x10-6.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory participant in EUROMET.EM-K4 with respect to the CCEM-K4 key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di = [(mi-EUR - miR-EUR) + d] and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui, based on the quadratic combination of uR, ud, ti-EUR and Ui-EUR/2 (see page 2 and Table 2 of the Linkage Report).

The complete matrix of equivalence is built up as explained on pages 2 and 3 and in Table 3 of the Linkage Report.

  • Linking APMP.EM-K4.1 to CCEM-K4

The NMIA, NIM and VNIIM participated in both ccomparisons and were used as linking laboratories. The linking procedure used to link the results of APMP.EM-K4.1 to those of CCEM-K4 is explained in paragraph 6.5 on page 17 of the APMP.EM-K4.1 Final Report, and is similar to that used to link EUROMET.EM-K4 to CCEM-K4.

The calculated linking correction d = -0.004 µF/F, with a standard uncertainty ud = 0.017 µF/F.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory participant in APMP.EM-K4.1 with respect to the CCEM-K4 key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms Di and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui. The computation of Di and Ui can be found in paragraph 6.5.4 on page 19 of the APMP.EM-K4.1 Final Report.

The complete matrix of equivalence is built up as explained in paragraph 6.5.5 on page 20 of the APMP.EM-K4.1 Final Report.

  • Linking SIM.EM-K4 to CCEM-K4

The NIST and NRC participated in both comparisons and were used as linking laboratories. The linking procedure used to link the results of SIM.EM-K4 to those of CCEM-K4 is explained in Appendix F on page 40 of the SIM.EM-K4 Final Report.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory participant in SIM.EM-K4 with respect to the CCEM-K4 key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms Di and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui.

The pair-wise degrees of equivalence involving the SIM.EM-K4 participants are not computed.

  • Linking COOMET.EM-K4 to CCEM-K4

The PTB and VNIIM participated in both comparisons and were used as linking laboratories. The linking procedure used to link the results of COOMET.EM-K4 to those of CCEM-K4 is explained in Section 7.4 of the COOMET.EM-K4 Final Report.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory participant in COOMET.EM-K4 with respect to the CCEM-K4 key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms Di and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui.

The pair-wise degrees of equivalencebetween participants in COOMET.EM-K4 are given on p. 12 of the COOMET.EM-K4 Final Report.
Comparison close


MEASURAND : Capacitance
FREQUENCY : ~ 1.6 kHz

  • Key comparison CCEM-K4, Pilot laboratory : NIST

xi : result of measurements of capacitors S/N 108 and S/N 185, or S/N 190 and S/N 193, carried out by laboratory i, related to the fractional difference from the nominal value 10 pF, mi, by: xi = x0 x (1 + mi), with x0 = 10 pF

The values assigned by NIST to each capacitor are obtained by interpolation of the NIST measurement results to the measurement dates of other laboratories.

ui : combined standard uncertainty of mi, reported by laboratory i

measurements derived from RK-90
measurements derived from calculable capacitors
BIPM-1, -2 two BIPM measurements of the same capacitor on two different dates
Note: bold numbers refer to the capacitors whose serial numbers are in bold

  • Key comparison EUROMET.EM-K4, Pilot laboratory : NPL

xi-EUR : result of measurements of capacitor S/N 01031 carried out by laboratory i, related to the fractional difference from the nominal value 10 pF, mi-EUR, by:
xi-EUR= x0 x (1 + mi-EUR), with x0 = 10 pF

Ui-EUR : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of mi-EUR, reported by laboratory i
miR-EUR : value of reference referred to the date of measurement at laboratory i (see section 5.13.2 and subsequent graphs in the EUROMET.EM-K4 Final Report), based on a weighted mean of EUROMET.EM-K4 participants' measurements.
Its expanded uncertainty (k = 2) is UiR-EUR = 0.037x10-6 at all dates.

measurements derived from RK-90
measurements derived from calculable capacitors

  • Key comparison APMP.EM-K4.1, Pilot laboratory : NMIA

The measurement results and associated standard uncertainties of the laboratories having participated in key comparison APMP.EM-K4.1 are given in paragraph 6.2 on page 14 of the APMP.EM-K4.1 Final Report.
Measurements were carried out between May 2004 and August 2006.

  • Key comparison SIM.EM-K4, Pilot laboratory : NIST

The measurement results and associated standard uncertainties of the laboratories having participated in key comparison SIM.EM-K4 are given in paragraph 5.2 on page 8 of the SIM.EM-K4 Final Report.
Measurements were carried out between 2003 and 2006.

  • Key comparison COOMET.EM-K4, Pilot laboratory : SE "Ukrmetrteststandard"

The measurement results and associated standard uncertainties of the laboratories having participated in key comparison COOMET.EM-K4 are given in Table 5, p.8, of the COOMET.EM-K4 Final Report.
Measurements were carried out between 2006 and 2009.