Rapports BIPM
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1st Stakeholders’ Meeting of the CIPM Sectorial Task Group for Climate Change and Environment - Summary Outputs
Annmarie Eldering, Betsy Weatherhead, Daya Soni, Dolores del Campo Maldonado, Edgar Flores, Emma Woolliams, Fabio Madonna, Filomena Catapano, George Petihakis, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Hong Lin, Isabelle Ruedi, James K. Olthoff, James R. Whetstone, Jan-Theodoor Janssen, Johannes Karstensen, Julia Marrs, Kevin Cossel, Laurent Vuilleumier, Leonard Rivier, Maribel Garcia-Ibañez, Pamela Chu, Phil DeCola, Richard Barker, Robert Wielgosz, Rubén Urraca, Sergio Moreno, Sumit Kumar Mishra, Thorsten Fehr
Edited report
Measuring conditions and uncertainties for the comparison and calibration of national dosimetric standards at the BIPM
Guidelines: How to implement the new absorption cross-section for ozone concentration measurements
Paul Brewer, Andrew Brown, Edgar Flores Jardines, Sangil Lee, Bernhard Niederhauser, James Norris, Joann Rice, Louise Sorensen, Hiroshi Tanimoto, Joële Viallon, Robert Wielgosz, Christoph Zellweger
[ISRD-09] - Internal Standard Reference Data for 19F qNMR: 3,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)Benzoic Acid
Wagner Wollinger, Leandro Santos, Klas Meyer, Taichi Yamazaki, Gustavo Martos, Steven Westwood
Change in the value of the UV ozone absorption cross section: Recommendations for metadata provision
Christoph Zellweger, James E. Norris, Bernhard Niederhauser, Wilma Travnicek, Andrea Minkos, Xiaobin Xu, Sangil Lee, Sverre Solberg, Owen Cooper, Herman G.J. Smit, Leah R. Kauffman
Detailed list of components of the BIPM high accuracy reference facility for ongoing comparisons of carbon dioxide in air standards
Metrology for Climate Action
Robert Wielgosz, Bruce Forgan, Dolores del Campo Maldonado, Anthony Rea, Emma Woolliams, Janice Fulford, Fabio Madonna, James R. Whetstone, Phil DeCola, Alex Vermeulen, Edgar Flores, Isabelle Ruedi
Edited report
[ISRD-08] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - Benzoic Acid
[BIPM PEG-04] - Purity Evaluation Guideline: Patulin (PAT)
[BIPM PEG-03] - Purity Evaluation Guideline: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
[BIPM CAG-04] - Calibrant Assessment Guideline: Patulin (PAT)
Josephs R.D., Gao Y., Li Xianjiang, Bedu M., Choteau T., Daireaux A., Martos G., Gokcen T., Li Xiaomin, Li Xiuqin, Guo Z., Westwood S., Li Hongmei, Wielgosz R.
Units and values for the ozone absorption cross section at 253.65 nm (air) with appropriate significant digits and rounding for use in documentary standards (Revised January 2023)
Upgrade of the electronics modules of the BIPM Standard Reference Photometers for ozone and the effect on the on-going key comparison BIPM.QM-K1
[BIPM CAG-03] - Calibrant Assessment Guideline: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
[BIPM PEG-02] - Purity Evaluation Guideline: Aflatoxin B1
Comparison of Ozone Reference Standards of the ECCC and the BIPM
Beam characterization for low-energy x-rays and new reference qualities at 1 m
[BIPM CAG-02] - Calibrant Assessment Guideline - Zearalenone (ZEN)
Comparison of Ozone Reference Standards of the OEH and the BIPM
[BIPM CAG-01] - Calibrant Assessment Guideline - Aflatoxin B1
[BIPM PEG-01] - Purity Evaluation Guideline - Zearalenone (ZEN)
[ISRD-07] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - 4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentane-1-sulfonic acid-d6
[ISRD-06] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - 1,4-bis(Trimethylsilyl)Benzene
[ISRD-05] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - 3,5-bis(Trifluoromethyl)Benzoic Acid
[ISRD-04] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - Dimethyl Terephthalate
Measuring conditions and uncertainties for the comparison and calibration of national dosmetric standards at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2024/04]
[ISRD-03] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data (ISRD) - Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP)
[ISRD-02] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - Dimethyl Sulfone (DMSO2)
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the CHMI and the BIPM
How to define the base units of the revised SI from seven constants with fixed numerical values
[ISRD-01] - qNMR Internal Standard Reference Data - Maleic Acid (MA)
Report on the BIPM-WADA Workshop: Standards and Metrology in support of Anti-Doping Analysis
Report of a comparison between the LNE-LNHB and the BIPM of absorbed dose to graphite in a Co-60 reference beam
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the OEH and the BIPM, April 2015
The SIRTI: a new tool developed at the BIPM for comparing activity measurements of short-lived radionuclides world-wide
Report on the BIPM Workshop on Challenges in Metrology for Dynamic Measurement
How the non-ideality of real gases affects results of the ozone Standard Reference Photometer (SRP)
Verification of the linearity of the new SIR using sources of 64Cu and 99mTc
The self-attraction effect in absolute gravimeters and its influence on CIPM key comparisons
On the measurement quality of UTC time transfer: Evolution and reevaluation of measurement uncertainty in
Determination of the recombination correction for the BIPM parallel-plate ionization chamber type in a pulsed photon beam
Measuring conditions and uncertainties for the comparison and calibration of national dosimetric standards at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2018/06]
Comparison of Ozone Reference Standards of the DECCW and the BIPM, December 2010
Study of Measurement Service and Comparison Needs for an International Measurement Infrastructure for the Biosciences and Biotechnology: Input for the BIPM Work Programme
Directive for operational use and data handling in two-way satellite time and frequency transfer (TWSTFT)