Working Group Members

CCM Working Group on Fluid Flow (CCM-WGFF)


Dr Bodo Mickan

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt



Dr Chunhui Li

National Institute of Metrology


List of meetings

Meetings and related documents

Upcoming Meeting

  • 24
  • June
  • 2025

Past Meeting

  • From 28 to 29
  • October
  • 2024

Past Meeting

  • 23
  • May
  • 2023

Past Meeting

  • 29 November,
  • 6 December
  • 2022

Past Meeting

  • 21
  • March
  • 2022


Terms of reference

The Working Group for Fluid Flow supports the CCM, the CIPM MRA, and NMIs to establish and maintain a validated and robust global measurement system for flow and related quantities:

  1. liquid flow (i.e. water, hydrocarbon liquids, cryogenic liquids),
  2. gas flow (air, nitrogen, natural gas, etc.),
  3. liquid volume (from microliters to thousands of liters), and
  4. the speed of fluids (air speed and water speed).

Within this objective, its tasks are to:

  • Facilitate the assembly of approved CMCs in the KCDB, including:
    1. ensuring that the general instructions, formatting, and inter-regional review process are followed,
    2. developing service categories that cover necessary measurands,
    3. ensuring the definitions of CMC uncertainty are clear and consistently applied,
    4. providing CMC review criteria in order to facilitate the CMC revision process,
    5. serving as a forum for discussion and resolution of questions raised during inter-RMO review of CMCs, and
    6. periodically reviewing CMCs for correctness.
  • Conduct comparisons to demonstrate the proficiency of NMIs and DIs and to verify that CMCs are correct, including:
    1. identifying where comparisons are needed,
    2. recommending comparisons to the CCM for approval,
    3. selecting pilot labs and participants,
    4. assisting pilot labs in developing protocols that meet the Guidelines for CIPM KCs,
    5. assisting or advising pilot labs with the data analysis and KC report writing,
    6. performing the Draft B KC report review process,
    7. assessing CMC uncertainty claims based on comparison results,
    8. reviewing regional comparison reports, and
    9. submitting comparison reports to the CCM for approval and posting on the KCDB;
  • Provide a forum of exchange between NMIs, DIs, and RMOs, provide supplementary guidelines and/or interpretations of CIPM and CCM policies for the flow measurement community, advise the CCM and the CIPM on flow related matters, and encourage and support laboratories developing new flow standards.

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