CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon monoxide : ~ 30 mmol/mol

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in mmol/mol

Please click onto the graph to get an enlarged version.

Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K3
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K3
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K3

Orange squares: participants in COOMET.QM-K3

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon dioxide : ~ 135 mmol/mol

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in mmol/mol

Please click onto the graph to get an enlarged version.

Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K3
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K3
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K3

Orange squares: participants in COOMET.QM-K3

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Propane : ~ 2 mmol/mol

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in mmol/mol

Please click onto the graph to get an enlarged version.


Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K3
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K3
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K3

Orange squares: participants in COOMET.QM-K3

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023



MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon monoxide : ~ 30 mmol/mol



Lab i Di Ui
  /(mmol/mol) /(mmol/mol)
OMH -0.018 0.038
BAM 0.037 0.162
NIST -0.020 0.209
NMi-VSL -0.028 0.122
NMIJ -0.040 0.059
NRCCRM 0.040 0.109
SMU -0.225 0.094
KRISS -0.015 0.034
PTB 0.026 0.067
METAS -0.026 0.074
BNM-LNE -0.282 0.301
VNIIM 0.293 0.181
NPL 0.015 0.068
SMU 0.014 0.096
IPQ 0.027 0.112
CSIR-NML -0.260 0.461
GUM 0.005 0.112
CMI -0.652 4.400
NMIJ 0.01 0.12
CMS/ITRI -0.07 0.05
CSIR-NML 0.06 1.60
KRISS -0.04 0.06
VNIIM 0.01 0.06
UkrCSM -0.11 0.12
BelGIM -0.06 0.20
BAM -0.04 0.15



In dark blue: laboratories participant in CCQM-K3
In green
: laboratories participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 (indicated as * in "Lab j" list)
In blue
: laboratories participant in APMP.QM-K3
In orange: laboratories participant in COOMET.QM-K3

Additional data: pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3:

All results, including relative degrees of equivalence for COOMET participants, are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon dioxide : ~ 135 mmol/mol



Lab i Di Ui
  /(mmol/mol) /(mmol/mol)
OMH 0.15 0.14
BAM 0.01 0.70
NIST 0.17 0.24
NMi-VSL 0.02 0.23
NMIJ 0.01 0.13
NRCCRM 0.06 0.47
SMU 0.71 0.56
KRISS -0.02 0.09
PTB 0.30 0.18
METAS -0.08 0.31
BNM-LNE 0.28 0.41
VNIIM -0.05 0.51
NPL -0.08 0.28
SMU 0.03 0.26
IMGC -0.32 5.10
IPQ 0.08 0.47
CSIR-NML 0.32 4.34
GUM 0.21 0.14
NMIJ 0.06 0.25
CMS/ITRI -0.07 0.16
CSIR-NML 0.25 3.60
KRISS -0.05 0.18
VNIIM 0.12 0.13
UkrCSM -0.14 0.22
BelGIM 0.86 1.00
BAM 0.09 0.41



In dark blue: laboratories participant in CCQM-K3
In green
: laboratories participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 (indicated as * in "Lab j" list)
In blue
: laboratories participant in APMP.QM-K3
In orange: laboratories participant in COOMET.QM-K3

Additional data: pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3:


All results, including relative degrees of equivalence for COOMET participants, are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Propane : ~ 2 mmol/mol



Lab i Di Ui
  /(mmol/mol) /(mmol/mol)
OMH -0.0006 0.0034
BAM 0.0091 0.0103
NIST 0.0006 0.0139
NMi-VSL 0.0000 0.0040
NMIJ 0.0000 0.0030
NRCCRM -0.0030 0.0071
SMU 0.0022 0.0301
KRISS 0.0013 0.0032
PTB -0.0078 0.0132
METAS -0.0159 0.0055
BNM-LNE -0.0030 0.0046
VNIIM -0.0077 0.0083
NPL 0.0050 0.0066
SMU 0.0044 0.0113
IMGC -0.0740 0.0720
IPQ 0.0002 0.0055
GUM -0.0006 0.0066
CMI 0.1219 0.1500
NMIJ -0.0026 0.0037
CMS/ITRI -0.0115 0.0171
KRISS 0.0021 0.0045
VNIIM 0.001 0.004
UkrCSM -0.001 0.004
BelGIM -0.004 0.020
BAM 0.010 0.012



In dark blue: laboratories participant in CCQM-K3
In green
: laboratories participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 (indicated as * in "Lab j" list)
In blue
: laboratories participant in APMP.QM-K3
In orange: laboratories participant in COOMET.QM-K3

Additional data: pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3:


All results, including relative degrees of equivalence for COOMET participants, are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).


Comparison close
CC comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Chemistry and Biology, Gases
Description Automotive emission gases: CO, CO2 and C3H8 in N2
Time of measurements 2000
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Amount-of-substance fraction of CO (28 mmol/mol), CO2 (124 mmol/mol), C3H8 (1.95 mmol/mol) and N2 balance
Transfer device Calibrated gas cylinders measured by gravimetry
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance)
Conducted by APMP (Asia Pacific Metrology Programme)

EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3 results are linked to those of CCQM-K3.

Dates of publication:

  • CCQM-K3 results, 21 November 2001;
  • EUROMET.QM-K3 results, 05 July 2002;
  • APMP.QM-K3 results, 14 November 2003;
  • COOMET.QM-K3 results, 31 August 2006.

Automotive emission gases.

Pilot institute KRISS
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Korea, Republic of
Contact person Jin Seog Kim

+82 42 868 5352
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea, Republic of, APMP


Industrial Technology Research Institute/Center for Measurement Standards, Chinese Taipei, APMP


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, National Metrology Laboratory (became NMISA in 2007), South Africa, AFRIMETS


National Metrology Institute of Japan, Japan, APMP

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon monoxide : 32 mmol/mol for CCQM-K3 and EUROMET.QM-K3, 28 mmol/mol for APMP.QM-K3, and 30 mmol/mol for COOMET.QM-K3

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3


Key comparison reference value: there is no single key comparison reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i.



The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigravR2)1/2.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigravR-EUR2)1/2.


  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-APMP is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-APMP = (xi-APMP - xigrav-APMP) and Ui-APMP, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-APMP = 2(ui-APMP2 + uigravR-APMP2)1/2.


  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-COO is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-COO = (xi-COO - xigrav-COO) and Ui-COO, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-COO = (ULab i-COO2 + UigravR-COO2)1/2 (since uncertainties are all expanded with k = 2). Relative values, expressed in %, are also calculated.


  • Linking EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3, and COOMET.QM-K3 to CCQM-K3


The regional QM-K3 key comparisons are linked to CCQM-K3 through the gravimetric values.

It follows that:



The degrees of equivalence with respect to the reference value obtained in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons are transferred to CCQM-K3 without correction:
Di = Di-RMO and Ui = Ui-RMO, with "RMO" = "EUR" or "APMP" or "COO" according to the case.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j, one and the other participant in any one of the four comparisons, is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2
, with indexes "-EUR", "R-APMP", and
"R-COO" when necessary.


These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K3 matrices of equivalence to participants in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons.
In the following, not all pair-wise degrees of equivalence are explicitely computed.



CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon dioxide : 135 mmol/mol for CCQM-K3, EUROMET.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3, and 124 mmol/mol for APMP.QM-K3

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3


Key comparison reference value: there is no single key comparison reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i.



The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigravR2)1/2.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigravR-EUR2)1/2.


  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-APMP is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-APMP = (xi-APMP - xigrav-APMP) and Ui-APMP, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-APMP = 2(ui-APMP2 + uigravR-APMP2)1/2.


  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-COO is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-COO = (xi-COO - xigrav-COO) and Ui-COO, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-COO = (ULab i-COO2 + UigravR-COO2)1/2 (since uncertainties are all expanded with k = 2). Relative values, expressed in %, are also calculated.


  • Linking EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3, and COOMET.QM-K3 to CCQM-K3


The regional QM-K3 key comparisons are linked to CCQM-K3 through the gravimetric values.

It follows that:



The degrees of equivalence with respect to the reference value obtained in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons are transferred to CCQM-K3 without correction:
Di = Di-RMO and Ui = Ui-RMO, with "RMO" = "EUR" or "APMP" or "COO" according to the case.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j, one and the other participant in any one of the four comparisons, is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2
, with indexes "-EUR", "R-APMP", and
"R-COO" when necessary.


These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K3 matrices of equivalence to participants in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons.
In the following, not all pair-wise degrees of equivalence are explicitely computed.



CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Propane : 2.05 mmol/mol for CCQM-K3 and EUROMET.QM-K3, 1.95 mmol/mol for APMP.QM-K3, and 2 mmol/mol for COOMET.QM-K3

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3


Key comparison reference value: there is no single key comparison reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i.



The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigravR2)1/2.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigravR-EUR2)1/2.


  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-APMP is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-APMP = (xi-APMP - xigrav-APMP) and Ui-APMP, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-APMP = 2(ui-APMP2 + uigravR-APMP2)1/2.


  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-COO is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-COO = (xi-COO - xigrav-COO) and Ui-COO, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-COO = (ULab i-COO2 + UigravR-COO2)1/2 (since uncertainties are all expanded with k = 2). Relative values, expressed in %, are also calculated.


  • Linking EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3, and COOMET.QM-K3 to CCQM-K3


The regional QM-K3 key comparisons are linked to CCQM-K3 through the gravimetric values.

It follows that:



The degrees of equivalence with respect to the reference value obtained in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons are transferred to CCQM-K3 without correction:
Di = Di-RMO and Ui = Ui-RMO, with "RMO" = "EUR" or "APMP" or "COO" according to the case.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j, one and the other participant in any one of the four comparisons, is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2
, with indexes "-EUR", "R-APMP", and
"R-COO" when necessary.


These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K3 matrices of equivalence to participants in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons.
In the following, not all pair-wise degrees of equivalence are explicitely computed.



CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav

uigravR = (uigrav2 + uiver2)1/2, where uigrav and uiver are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav = 0.0002 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav = 0.00003 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav = 0.00012 . xigrav and uiver = 0.00056 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Propane.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR

u igravR-EUR = (uigrav-EUR2 + uiver-EUR2)1/2, where uigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav-EUR = 0.0002 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav-EUR = 0.00003 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav-EUR = 0.00012 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.00056 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Propane.



  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

28 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

124 mmol/mol


1.95 mmol/mol




xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
xigrav-APMP : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-APMP

uigravR-APMP = (uigrav-APMP2 + uiver-APMP2)1/2, where uigrav-APMP and
uiver-APMP are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.
The relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) linked to the verification process is estimated to be equal to 0.10%.

  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

30 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2 mmol/mol




xi-COO : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ULab i-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-COO
xigrav-COO : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
UigravR-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xigrav-COO

UigravR-COO / 2 = (uigrav-COO2 + uiver-COO2)1/2, where uigrav-COO and
uiver-COO are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav

uigravR = (uigrav2 + uiver2)1/2, where uigrav and uiver are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav = 0.0002 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav = 0.00003 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav = 0.00012 . xigrav and uiver = 0.00056 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Propane.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR

u igravR-EUR = (uigrav-EUR2 + uiver-EUR2)1/2, where uigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav-EUR = 0.0002 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav-EUR = 0.00003 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav-EUR = 0.00012 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.00056 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Propane.



  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

28 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

124 mmol/mol


1.95 mmol/mol




xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
xigrav-APMP : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-APMP

uigravR-APMP = (uigrav-APMP2 + uiver-APMP2)1/2, where uigrav-APMP and
uiver-APMP are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.
The relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) linked to the verification process is estimated to be equal to 0.10%.

  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

30 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2 mmol/mol




xi-COO : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ULab i-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-COO
xigrav-COO : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
UigravR-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xigrav-COO

UigravR-COO / 2 = (uigrav-COO2 + uiver-COO2)1/2, where uigrav-COO and
uiver-COO are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav

uigravR = (uigrav2 + uiver2)1/2, where uigrav and uiver are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav = 0.0002 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav = 0.00003 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav = 0.00012 . xigrav and uiver = 0.00056 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Propane.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR

u igravR-EUR = (uigrav-EUR2 + uiver-EUR2)1/2, where uigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav-EUR = 0.0002 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav-EUR = 0.00003 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav-EUR = 0.00012 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.00056 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Propane.



  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

28 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

124 mmol/mol


1.95 mmol/mol




xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
xigrav-APMP : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-APMP

uigravR-APMP = (uigrav-APMP2 + uiver-APMP2)1/2, where uigrav-APMP and
uiver-APMP are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.
The relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) linked to the verification process is estimated to be equal to 0.10%.

  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

30 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2 mmol/mol




xi-COO : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ULab i-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-COO
xigrav-COO : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
UigravR-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xigrav-COO

UigravR-COO / 2 = (uigrav-COO2 + uiver-COO2)1/2, where uigrav-COO and
uiver-COO are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.