CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon monoxide : ~ 30 mmol/mol

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in mmol/mol

Please click onto the graph to get an enlarged version.

Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K3
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K3
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K3

Orange squares: participants in COOMET.QM-K3

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon dioxide : ~ 135 mmol/mol

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in mmol/mol

Please click onto the graph to get an enlarged version.

Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K3
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K3
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K3

Orange squares: participants in COOMET.QM-K3

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Propane : ~ 2 mmol/mol

Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in mmol/mol

Please click onto the graph to get an enlarged version.


Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K3
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K3
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K3

Orange squares: participants in COOMET.QM-K3

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023



MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon monoxide : ~ 30 mmol/mol



Lab i Di Ui
  /(mmol/mol) /(mmol/mol)
OMH -0.018 0.038
BAM 0.037 0.162
NIST -0.020 0.209
NMi-VSL -0.028 0.122
NMIJ -0.040 0.059
NRCCRM 0.040 0.109
SMU -0.225 0.094
KRISS -0.015 0.034
PTB 0.026 0.067
METAS -0.026 0.074
BNM-LNE -0.282 0.301
VNIIM 0.293 0.181
NPL 0.015 0.068
SMU 0.014 0.096
IPQ 0.027 0.112
CSIR-NML -0.260 0.461
GUM 0.005 0.112
CMI -0.652 4.400
NMIJ 0.01 0.12
CMS/ITRI -0.07 0.05
CSIR-NML 0.06 1.60
KRISS -0.04 0.06
VNIIM 0.01 0.06
UkrCSM -0.11 0.12
BelGIM -0.06 0.20
BAM -0.04 0.15



In dark blue: laboratories participant in CCQM-K3
In green
: laboratories participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 (indicated as * in "Lab j" list)
In blue
: laboratories participant in APMP.QM-K3
In orange: laboratories participant in COOMET.QM-K3

Additional data: pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3:

All results, including relative degrees of equivalence for COOMET participants, are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon dioxide : ~ 135 mmol/mol



Lab i Di Ui
  /(mmol/mol) /(mmol/mol)
OMH 0.15 0.14
BAM 0.01 0.70
NIST 0.17 0.24
NMi-VSL 0.02 0.23
NMIJ 0.01 0.13
NRCCRM 0.06 0.47
SMU 0.71 0.56
KRISS -0.02 0.09
PTB 0.30 0.18
METAS -0.08 0.31
BNM-LNE 0.28 0.41
VNIIM -0.05 0.51
NPL -0.08 0.28
SMU 0.03 0.26
IMGC -0.32 5.10
IPQ 0.08 0.47
CSIR-NML 0.32 4.34
GUM 0.21 0.14
NMIJ 0.06 0.25
CMS/ITRI -0.07 0.16
CSIR-NML 0.25 3.60
KRISS -0.05 0.18
VNIIM 0.12 0.13
UkrCSM -0.14 0.22
BelGIM 0.86 1.00
BAM 0.09 0.41



In dark blue: laboratories participant in CCQM-K3
In green
: laboratories participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 (indicated as * in "Lab j" list)
In blue
: laboratories participant in APMP.QM-K3
In orange: laboratories participant in COOMET.QM-K3

Additional data: pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3:


All results, including relative degrees of equivalence for COOMET participants, are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Propane : ~ 2 mmol/mol



Lab i Di Ui
  /(mmol/mol) /(mmol/mol)
OMH -0.0006 0.0034
BAM 0.0091 0.0103
NIST 0.0006 0.0139
NMi-VSL 0.0000 0.0040
NMIJ 0.0000 0.0030
NRCCRM -0.0030 0.0071
SMU 0.0022 0.0301
KRISS 0.0013 0.0032
PTB -0.0078 0.0132
METAS -0.0159 0.0055
BNM-LNE -0.0030 0.0046
VNIIM -0.0077 0.0083
NPL 0.0050 0.0066
SMU 0.0044 0.0113
IMGC -0.0740 0.0720
IPQ 0.0002 0.0055
GUM -0.0006 0.0066
CMI 0.1219 0.1500
NMIJ -0.0026 0.0037
CMS/ITRI -0.0115 0.0171
KRISS 0.0021 0.0045
VNIIM 0.001 0.004
UkrCSM -0.001 0.004
BelGIM -0.004 0.020
BAM 0.010 0.012



In dark blue: laboratories participant in CCQM-K3
In green
: laboratories participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 (indicated as * in "Lab j" list)
In blue
: laboratories participant in APMP.QM-K3
In orange: laboratories participant in COOMET.QM-K3

Additional data: pair-wise degrees of equivalence inside APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3:


All results, including relative degrees of equivalence for COOMET participants, are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).


Comparison close
CC comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Chemistry and Biology, Gases
Description Automotive emission gases
Time of measurements 2005
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Amount-of-substance fraction of CO (30 mmol/mol), CO2 (135 mmol/mol) and C3H8 (2 mmol/mol); N2 balance
Transfer device Gas mixtures in cylinders
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance)
Conducted by COOMET (Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions)
RMO Internal Identifier COOMET 312/Ru/04

EUROMET.QM-K3APMP.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3 results are linked to those of CCQM-K3.

Dates of publication:

  • CCQM-K3 results, 21 November 2001;
  • EUROMET.QM-K3 results, 05 July 2002;
  • APMP.QM-K3 results, 14 November 2003;
  • COOMET.QM-K3 results, 31 August 2006.

Automotive emission gases.

Pilot institute VNIIM
D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Rosstandart
Russian Federation
Contact person Yury Kustikov

+7 812 315 11 45
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Rosstandart, Russian Federation, COOMET


Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Germany, EURAMET


Belarussian State Institute for Metrology, Belarus, COOMET


Ukrmetrteststandard, Ukraine, EURAMET

CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon monoxide : 32 mmol/mol for CCQM-K3 and EUROMET.QM-K3, 28 mmol/mol for APMP.QM-K3, and 30 mmol/mol for COOMET.QM-K3

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3


Key comparison reference value: there is no single key comparison reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i.



The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigravR2)1/2.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigravR-EUR2)1/2.


  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-APMP is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-APMP = (xi-APMP - xigrav-APMP) and Ui-APMP, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-APMP = 2(ui-APMP2 + uigravR-APMP2)1/2.


  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-COO is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-COO = (xi-COO - xigrav-COO) and Ui-COO, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-COO = (ULab i-COO2 + UigravR-COO2)1/2 (since uncertainties are all expanded with k = 2). Relative values, expressed in %, are also calculated.


  • Linking EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3, and COOMET.QM-K3 to CCQM-K3


The regional QM-K3 key comparisons are linked to CCQM-K3 through the gravimetric values.

It follows that:



The degrees of equivalence with respect to the reference value obtained in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons are transferred to CCQM-K3 without correction:
Di = Di-RMO and Ui = Ui-RMO, with "RMO" = "EUR" or "APMP" or "COO" according to the case.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j, one and the other participant in any one of the four comparisons, is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2
, with indexes "-EUR", "R-APMP", and
"R-COO" when necessary.


These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K3 matrices of equivalence to participants in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons.
In the following, not all pair-wise degrees of equivalence are explicitely computed.



CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Carbon dioxide : 135 mmol/mol for CCQM-K3, EUROMET.QM-K3 and COOMET.QM-K3, and 124 mmol/mol for APMP.QM-K3

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3


Key comparison reference value: there is no single key comparison reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i.



The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigravR2)1/2.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigravR-EUR2)1/2.


  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-APMP is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-APMP = (xi-APMP - xigrav-APMP) and Ui-APMP, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-APMP = 2(ui-APMP2 + uigravR-APMP2)1/2.


  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-COO is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-COO = (xi-COO - xigrav-COO) and Ui-COO, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-COO = (ULab i-COO2 + UigravR-COO2)1/2 (since uncertainties are all expanded with k = 2). Relative values, expressed in %, are also calculated.


  • Linking EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3, and COOMET.QM-K3 to CCQM-K3


The regional QM-K3 key comparisons are linked to CCQM-K3 through the gravimetric values.

It follows that:



The degrees of equivalence with respect to the reference value obtained in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons are transferred to CCQM-K3 without correction:
Di = Di-RMO and Ui = Ui-RMO, with "RMO" = "EUR" or "APMP" or "COO" according to the case.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j, one and the other participant in any one of the four comparisons, is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2
, with indexes "-EUR", "R-APMP", and
"R-COO" when necessary.


These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K3 matrices of equivalence to participants in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons.
In the following, not all pair-wise degrees of equivalence are explicitely computed.



CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

NOMINAL VALUES for Propane : 2.05 mmol/mol for CCQM-K3 and EUROMET.QM-K3, 1.95 mmol/mol for APMP.QM-K3, and 2 mmol/mol for COOMET.QM-K3

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3


Key comparison reference value: there is no single key comparison reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i.



The degree of equivalence of each laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigravR2)1/2.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigravR-EUR2)1/2.


  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-APMP is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in APMP.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-APMP = (xi-APMP - xigrav-APMP) and Ui-APMP, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-APMP = 2(ui-APMP2 + uigravR-APMP2)1/2.


  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3


The gravimetric value xigrav-COO is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3.



The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in COOMET.QM-K3 with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms:
Di-COO = (xi-COO - xigrav-COO) and Ui-COO, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Ui-COO = (ULab i-COO2 + UigravR-COO2)1/2 (since uncertainties are all expanded with k = 2). Relative values, expressed in %, are also calculated.


  • Linking EUROMET.QM-K3, APMP.QM-K3, and COOMET.QM-K3 to CCQM-K3


The regional QM-K3 key comparisons are linked to CCQM-K3 through the gravimetric values.

It follows that:



The degrees of equivalence with respect to the reference value obtained in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons are transferred to CCQM-K3 without correction:
Di = Di-RMO and Ui = Ui-RMO, with "RMO" = "EUR" or "APMP" or "COO" according to the case.



The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j, one and the other participant in any one of the four comparisons, is given by a pair of terms:
Dij =(Di - Dj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in mmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2
, with indexes "-EUR", "R-APMP", and
"R-COO" when necessary.


These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K3 matrices of equivalence to participants in the regional QM-K3 key comparisons.
In the following, not all pair-wise degrees of equivalence are explicitely computed.



CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav

uigravR = (uigrav2 + uiver2)1/2, where uigrav and uiver are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav = 0.0002 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav = 0.00003 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav = 0.00012 . xigrav and uiver = 0.00056 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Propane.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR

u igravR-EUR = (uigrav-EUR2 + uiver-EUR2)1/2, where uigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav-EUR = 0.0002 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav-EUR = 0.00003 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav-EUR = 0.00012 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.00056 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Propane.



  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

28 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

124 mmol/mol


1.95 mmol/mol




xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
xigrav-APMP : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-APMP

uigravR-APMP = (uigrav-APMP2 + uiver-APMP2)1/2, where uigrav-APMP and
uiver-APMP are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.
The relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) linked to the verification process is estimated to be equal to 0.10%.

  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

30 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2 mmol/mol




xi-COO : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ULab i-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-COO
xigrav-COO : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
UigravR-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xigrav-COO

UigravR-COO / 2 = (uigrav-COO2 + uiver-COO2)1/2, where uigrav-COO and
uiver-COO are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav

uigravR = (uigrav2 + uiver2)1/2, where uigrav and uiver are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav = 0.0002 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav = 0.00003 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav = 0.00012 . xigrav and uiver = 0.00056 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Propane.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR

u igravR-EUR = (uigrav-EUR2 + uiver-EUR2)1/2, where uigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav-EUR = 0.0002 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav-EUR = 0.00003 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav-EUR = 0.00012 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.00056 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Propane.



  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

28 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

124 mmol/mol


1.95 mmol/mol




xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
xigrav-APMP : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-APMP

uigravR-APMP = (uigrav-APMP2 + uiver-APMP2)1/2, where uigrav-APMP and
uiver-APMP are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.
The relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) linked to the verification process is estimated to be equal to 0.10%.

  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

30 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2 mmol/mol




xi-COO : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ULab i-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-COO
xigrav-COO : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
UigravR-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xigrav-COO

UigravR-COO / 2 = (uigrav-COO2 + uiver-COO2)1/2, where uigrav-COO and
uiver-COO are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.


CCQM-K3 was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023


MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of automotive emission gases

  • Key comparison CCQM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav

uigravR = (uigrav2 + uiver2)1/2, where uigrav and uiver are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav = 0.0002 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav = 0.00003 . xigrav and uiver = 0.0003 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav = 0.00012 . xigrav and uiver = 0.00056 . xigrav, both in mmol/mol, for Propane.


  • Key comparison EUROMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

32 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2.05 mmol/mol




xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR

u igravR-EUR = (uigrav-EUR2 + uiver-EUR2)1/2, where uigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value, with
uigrav-EUR = 0.0002 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon monoxide,
uigrav-EUR = 0.00003 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.0003 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Carbon dioxide, and
uigrav-EUR = 0.00012 . xigrav-EUR and uiver-EUR = 0.00056 . xigrav-EUR , both in mmol/mol, for Propane.



  • Key comparison APMP.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

28 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

124 mmol/mol


1.95 mmol/mol




xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
xigrav-APMP : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigravR-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-APMP

uigravR-APMP = (uigrav-APMP2 + uiver-APMP2)1/2, where uigrav-APMP and
uiver-APMP are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.
The relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) linked to the verification process is estimated to be equal to 0.10%.

  • Key comparison COOMET.QM-K3



Carbon monoxide

30 mmol/mol

  Carbon dioxide

135 mmol/mol


2 mmol/mol




xi-COO : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ULab i-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xi-COO
xigrav-COO : gravimetric value of the gas amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
UigravR-COO : expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of xigrav-COO

UigravR-COO / 2 = (uigrav-COO2 + uiver-COO2)1/2, where uigrav-COO and
uiver-COO are respectively the combined standard uncertainties of the gravimetric production process and of the analytical verification of the gravimetric value.