CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

10 kN.m clockwise
Di / (N.m)
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = -18.4 N.m and UCENAM = 1.5 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m anti-clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

10 kN.m anti-clockwise
Di / (N.m)
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = 13.0 N.m and UCENAM = 0.7 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

20 kN.m clockwise
Di / (N.m)
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = -12.7 N.m and UCENAM = 1.3 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m anti-clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

20 kN.m anti-clockwise
Di / (N.m)
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = 4.5 N.m and UCENAM = 1.2 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
NMIJ 0.4 0.6
MIKES -0.4 5.2
NIM -1.5 3.4
PTB -0.2 0.3
NMISA -0.4 3.2
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = -18.4 N.m and UCENAM = 1.5 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m anti-clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
NMIJ -0.4 0.6
MIKES -0.1 5.2
NIM 1.2 3.4
PTB 0.2 0.3
NMISA 0.3 3.2
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = 13.0 N.m and UCENAM = 0.7 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
NMIJ 0.9 1.2
MIKES -1.0 10.5
NIM -4.3 6.8
PTB -0.3 0.5
NMISA -3.7 6.3
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = -12.7 N.m and UCENAM = 1.3 N.m

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1


NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m anti-clockwise torque


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di  and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in N·m.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
NMIJ -0.7 1.2
VTT -0.1 10.6
NIM 2.6 6.8
PTB 0.4 0.5
NMISA 4.4 6.3
Participating institutes

CENAM results were not included in the calculation of the KCRV (see page 2 of the CCM.T-K2 Final report)

where DCENAM = 4.5 N.m and UCENAM = 1.2 N.m

Comparison close
CC comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Mass and related quantities, Torque
Description Torque measurements
Time of measurements 2005 - 2010
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Torque: 0 kN m, 10 kN m, 20 kN m
Transfer device Dead-weight and reference machines
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCM (Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities)
Conducted by CCM (Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities)



Results published on 25 April 2016

Torque measurements



Pilot institute PTB
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Contact person D. Röske

+49 (0) 531 592 1210
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, EURAMET


Centro Nacional de Metrologia, Mexico, SIM


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Centre for Metrology/Mittatekniikan keskus, Finland, EURAMET


National Metrology Institute of Japan, Japan, APMP

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1




NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m clockwise torque


Two different torque transducers, TB2 and TT1, were used for the comparison. The Key Comparison Reference Values xR and corresponding uncertainties uR were determined for each transducer and are listed below. However, the Degrees of Equivalence were calculated based on the mean value of the results obtained using both transducers.

Transducer xR / kN·m uR / N·m
TB2 clockwise 10.000 0.2
TT1 clockwise 10.000 0.3


For each torque the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR is given by a pair of terms: Di and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) both expressed in N·m. The computation of Di and Ui is explained in the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.


Linking CCM.T-K2.1 to CCM.T-K2

NMIJ provides the link between the key comparison CCM.T-K2.1 and CCM.T-K2, having participated in both comparisons. The linking process is described in Section 4.2 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1




NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m anti-clockwise torque


Two different torque transducers, TB2 and TT1, were used for the comparison. The Key Comparison Reference Values xR and corresponding uncertainties uR were determined for each transducer and are listed below. However, the Degrees of Equivalence were calculated based on the mean value of the results obtained using both transducers.

Transducer xR / kN·m uR / N·m
TB2 anti-clockwise -10.000 0.2
TT1 anti-clockwise -10.000 0.3


For each torque the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR is given by a pair of terms: Di and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) both expressed in N·m. The computation of Di and Ui is explained in the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.


Linking CCM.T-K2.1 to CCM.T-K2

NMIJ provides the link between the key comparison CCM.T-K2.1 and CCM.T-K2, having participated in both comparisons. The linking process is described in Section 4.2 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1




NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m clockwise torque


Two different torque transducers, TB2 and TT1, were used for the comparison. The Key Comparison Reference Values xR and corresponding uncertainties uR were determined for each transducer and are listed below. However, the Degrees of Equivalence were calculated based on the mean value of the results obtained using both transducers.

Transducer xR / kN·m uR / N·m
TB2 clockwise 20.000 0.3
TT1 clockwise 20.000 0.6


For each torque the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR is given by a pair of terms: Di and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) both expressed in N·m. The computation of Di and Ui is explained in the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.


Linking CCM.T-K2.1 to CCM.T-K2

NMIJ provides the link between the key comparison CCM.T-K2.1 and CCM.T-K2, having participated in both comparisons. The linking process is described in Section 4.2 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1




NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m anti-clockwise torque


Two different torque transducers, TB2 and TT1, were used for the comparison. The Key Comparison Reference Values xR and corresponding uncertainties uR were determined for each transducer and are listed below. However, the Degrees of Equivalence were calculated based on the mean value of the results obtained using both transducers.

Transducer xR / kN·m uR / N·m
TB2 anti-clockwise -20.000 0.3
TT1 anti-clockwise -20.000 0.6


For each torque the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xR is given by a pair of terms: Di and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) both expressed in N·m. The computation of Di and Ui is explained in the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.


Linking CCM.T-K2.1 to CCM.T-K2

NMIJ provides the link between the key comparison CCM.T-K2.1 and CCM.T-K2, having participated in both comparisons. The linking process is described in Section 4.2 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1



NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m clockwise torque



Two torque transducers were used as transfer standards for measurements at each nominal torque, clockwise and anti-clockwise: TB2 (SN 112-330-004) and TT1 (SN 37365-04). The individual measurement results are available on pp. 3 to 12 of the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.



Measurement results are available in Section 3 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1



NOMINAL VALUE: 10 kN.m anti-clockwise torque



Two torque transducers were used as transfer standards for measurements at each nominal torque, clockwise and anti-clockwise: TB2 (SN 112-330-004) and TT1 (SN 37365-04). The individual measurement results are available on pp. 3 to 12 of the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.



Measurement results are available in Section 3 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1



NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m clockwise torque



Two torque transducers were used as transfer standards for measurements at each nominal torque, clockwise and anti-clockwise: TB2 (SN 112-330-004) and TT1 (SN 37365-04). The individual measurement results are available on pp. 3 to 12 of the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.



Measurement results are available in Section 3 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.

CCM.T-K2 and CCM.T-K2.1



NOMINAL VALUE: 20 kN.m anti-clockwise torque



Two torque transducers were used as transfer standards for measurements at each nominal torque, clockwise and anti-clockwise: TB2 (SN 112-330-004) and TT1 (SN 37365-04). The individual measurement results are available on pp. 3 to 12 of the CCM.T-K2 Final Report.



Measurement results are available in Section 3 of the CCM.T-K2.1 Final report.